MTG Combo: Keep Watch + Rites of Initiation

Latest Decks


Panzerforge on Spawning Pool Party

8 years ago

Boza, I like the Keep Watch + Rites of Initiation combo, I'll have to play that through a few times to get an idea of how well it works.

I've been playing this through quite a bit, and against a variety of decks, and don't find Hand of Emrakul to be a weak card at all, since I'm not betting on it to win, it makes a nasty surprise when I cast him for free (sometimes very early.) Spawning Breath gives me a nice instant removal or a quick bit of damage, while giving me an early game Spawn token. (useful to trigger the better version of Brood Birthing.

Raid Bombardment and Impact Tremors have been fighting each other in this deck for some time. Eventually Impact Tremors won due to a few facts:

1.) It does the damage as I cast the creatures, so I don't worry about them getting wiped while they're suffering from summoning sickness.
2.) Raid Bombardment was seeing too many of my Spawn dying, since they're a 0/1, any creature ever can block and kill them, ruining my other plans.
3.) Impact Tremors lets me keep my Spawn available for blocking.

And as for putting non-Eldrazi token generators, they just don't fit the theme of the deck, which is essential to me, and one of the reasons I like playing this deck.

I will have to try that Keep Watch and Rites of Initiation combo though, it sounds promising.

Thanks for the feedback!