MTG Combo: Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel

Creates infinite copies of Restoration Angel; activate Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker's ability to create a copy of Restoration Angel, flickering Kiki-Jiki with the Angel's enter-the-battlefield ability and repeat.

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TheLordStormCrow on

7 years ago

Thanks for looking, do you have any suggestions on what I can cut, or move to the sideboard to make room for Reveillark and an extra Restoration Angel?

Also, what's your opinion on Fiery Justice for Death's Shadow variants, it kills a Tasigur, the Golden Fang or Gurmag Angler in Grixis, and usually kills any Death's Shadows that they could have, or at least stops them playing more. And the 5 life isn't a big deal against other decks too, as we have our Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel , which doesn't care about their life total.

I've been considering it and it seems like a solid card in the meta right now. It's also pretty great against something like Affinity, being able to kill a bunch of robots cheaply.

Naosu on Saheeli's American Dream

7 years ago

The deck is build to finish the game usualy on turn 5,

There 6 way to kill

  • Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel - The basic infinite Combo.
  • Felidar Guardian + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker - Same basic infinite combo like Resto/Kiki.
  • Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai - Same Basic infinite combo like Resto/Kiki.
  • Felidar Guardian + Restoration Angel + Altar of the Brood - Infinite Mile.
  • Saheeli Rai / Sun Titan - Same infinite combo like Resto/Kiki, only need one Saheeli Rai in graveyard to run.
  • Random Infinite combo + Altar of the Brood - Infinite Mile and Infinite crature.

  • Only 4 Restoration Angel is not the goal of the deck, and to much like my other deck

    American Friday Night

    Modern* Naosu

    SCORE: 10 | 15 COMMENTS | 4414 VIEWS | IN 2 FOLDERS

    I wanna play an other kind of combo deck based on infinite creatures. Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai give some flexibility for the archetype, this is why i think Snapcaster Mage don't have his place here

    TMBRLZ on A new Twin?

    8 years ago


    I'm curious if you're paying attention to the meta because here is the number one deck in Modern right now... which is the Melira, Sylvok Outcast combo you were just mentioning, just with a slightly different set of cards.

    And Kiki-Chord, a deck made popular by Jeff Hoogland, is also a modern deck, that isn't overwhelmingly popular but is played by a notable number of people. It utilizes Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel .

    And while Midnight Guard and Village Bell-Ringer are nifty cards for manipulating these combos, they ultimately just aren't strong enough for a Modern environment. I could maybe see a deck with Bell Ringer but Resto is just stronger as a 3/4 with flying that can blink any creature you control, manipulating ETB value like Kiki-Chord does. Essentially outside of her combo value she can be used as a beat stick and my Kiki-Chord friend has beaten me to death with her plenty of times in long grinds.

    Midnight Guard dies to Lightning Bolt. By modern general consensus that makes it bad. Not that I agree with that ideal, but its a strong argument. And the fact that Elemental Mastery gives you 1/1s isn't that fantastic either. Zealous Persecution, Orzhov Pontiff, Virulent Plague. The tokens are easily preventable.

    I would be interested to see a Village Bell-Ringer combo so more power to you if you can build one that's semi competitive.

    TMBRLZ on KIKLASCHULC (Hulk Flash :)

    8 years ago

    Why is this any better than Deceiver Exarch + Splinter Twin or Deceiver Exarch + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel or any of the modern combos?

    They don't make it any harder for you to kill more than one person. They require significantly less cards and significantly easier to achieve.

    I'm just wondering why? I'm not saying it's a bad idea. I just question the mass amount of effort.

    Sogatog on Is tokens cool now?

    9 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback! I do see the appeal. There are really three issues with Bone Splinters, though. First, I won't always have a lot of tokens. Sometimes your only token producer gets snatched by Thoughtseize or Thought-Knot Seer and you have to stall til you topdeck more. Second, even if I do, sacrificing one turns 1-for-1 removal into more like 1.3-for-1. The tempo advantage of costing one mana is nice, but rarely worth it, since I won't cast it til after I have tokens anyway, at which point I can probably afford Doom Blade, Murderous Cut, a full price Dismember, or something else. The last problem is the fact that it's sorcery speed, so I can't cast it in response to a Thought-Knot Seer trigger, or to break up a Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel combo on my opponent's turn, or something similar. Overall, I can see the appeal to Bone Splinters, but the card really isn't worth it unless it's in a deck that already wants ways to sacrifice things.

    mtgplayer100 on

    9 years ago

    Crumble to Dust and Spreading Seas is a good way to help you against both eldrazi and tron. If you really wants to beat tron and eldrazi, you could run Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel .

    clayperce on Hazezon's Raiders

    9 years ago

    Nice deck; +1!

    A few quick thoughts:

    I love the flavor of Lovisa Coldeyes, but keep going back and forth on her vs. Homura, Human Ascendant vs. Ogre Battledriver. I'd appreciate your thoughts on her!

    Thanks for running Abundance, by the way. I hadn't really noticed it anywhere before but I like it a lot ... I just added it to my maybeboard for some testing!

    I'm working on a very different Haz', over at Sandbagging w/ Hazezon. If you get a chance to drop by sometime, I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have.

    Draw well!