MTG Combo: Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts

This combo generates infinite:


  1. Play Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Zealous Conscripts.
  2. Play whichever remains from the above step.
  3. Tap Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, targeting Zealous Conscripts, to create a copy of Zealous Conscripts.
  4. When the copy of Zealous Conscripts enters the battlefield, gain control of Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker to untap him.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, creating infinite Zealous Conscripts to attack with.

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Dogmagic on Malcolm in the Middle (of the combo)

2 years ago

You use coercive recruiter to take control of your own kiki jiki and it untaps him, allowing you to use his ability again. It's functionally the same as Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts , just not as mana efficient. It's on theme though.

Peoni on Rampage!!!!!

4 years ago

Okay, sorry for the delay. Was in the middle of a move.

So first I think some degree of stack interaction would benefit this deck. I don't know what your meta is like, but dealing with enemy control could be a serious pain as you try to establish yourself, so cards like Pyroblast , Red Elemental Blast , Deflecting Swat (or other efficient redirect effects), or even Veil of Summer and Vexing Shusher (use this guy!) could prove to be worth the card slots when the game comes down to protecting your board state or making sure one of your spells resolves.

As for general upgrades I would consider adding in more removal like Beast Within and swap out Wilt for Nature's Claim for the cheaper cost because I feel like the cycling isn't super necessary and 4 life is insignificant. Then, if losing the cycling really bothers you, you can throw in Runic Armasaur for some really sweet card draw that also fits your theme. Additionally, for some pseudo card draw that also has the potential to mess with your opponent's hands AND is most definitely a puzzle, there's Teferi's Puzzle Box . It's a wheel that keeps on wheeling.. sort of. I would recommend potentially adding in more land destruction like Wildfire , Decree of Annihilation , or Obliterate along with recursion for yourself through stuff like Life from the Loam , Ramunap Excavator , Crucible of Worlds , and Titania, Protector of Argoth . Speaking of her, Priest of Titania could probably replace Llanowar Visionary , and along with that, more cheap elf mana dorks i.e. Llanowar Elves and Fyndhorn Elves would do you a lot of good. If you go the MLD route stepping your ramp up is gonna be really important so you can rebuild your board before your opponents can (which is also why you have land recursion), so you might want stuff like Utopia Sprawl , Wild Growth , Carpet of Flowers , or even Exploration if you can swing it. Finally for some additional creature-based wincons, we could put in Conspicuous Snoop + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker as well as Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts . To tutor for these you could use Goblin Recruiter to fetch Kiki-Jiki and Snoop , or Imperial Recruiter to tutor for a specific creature you need or just use him to get his gobbo friend and then assemble your win. Some additional misc. cards you might find fun and want to consider: Magus of the Moon , Bane of Progress , Null Rod , Trinisphere , Urabrask the Hidden , Woodland Bellower , Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger (don't do this to your friends lol), Ruination , Jokulhaups , and Root Maze .

Not all of this is going to fit in the budget you gave me, I just wanted to give you a lot of options and potentially stuff that you can build toward in the future if you decide you want to really invest in this deck. Hope this helps. :^)

Andrew_Burger on gwyn mark 6

4 years ago

Some combos you should consider:

PhoenixNest on Thieves & Turncoats

5 years ago

Yeah, and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts is an infinite combo since Zealous Conscripts can untap Kiki Jiki.

VietMoneys on Chain of Paper

5 years ago

Hey greyson161, thanks for the kind words. I wouldn't really consider my build of Nin to be a competitive take, necessarily. I've devoted a fair bit of the deck to pulling Stuffy Doll from my library, as his strange mechanic sort of breaks the balance inherent in Nin's ability, allowing you to draw cards and deal direct damage simultaneously. This is a bit cutesy and definitely way too disruptable/expensive to be considered a cEDH wincon, but it makes me smile!

That said, this deck definitely includes a number of ways to create "infinite" mana, many of which are cEDH Staples. Grim Monolith + Power Artifact , Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth , Metalworker + Staff of Domination , and Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron can all accomplish that feat, and that is a mighty tool indeed in this deck. Not only is it a one-hit KO with the aforementioned Stuffy Doll interaction, but boat-loads of mana can be translated very simply into boatloads of cards. Usually I'm dropping an ETB creature, cashing in its value, then slamming it for as much damage as I can afford in order to refil my hand. There are a number of cards that cause damage/loss of life when I draw, including both Niv Mizzets, Psychosis Crawler , and - a bit more indirectly - The Locust God . I also run Blightsteel and Lightning Greaves for good measure, and Laboratory Maniac is a great wincon when I'm over 100 mana. Oh, and even though I find the combo distateful, this deck also runs Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts , because both halves of that combo are independently excellent in this deck.

Hope some of this was helpful/interesting! For my part, I think more competitive builds of Nin are less creature-heavy and run a bit more control/wheel effects. The Spike Feeders YouTube channel often features a pretty spicy build of Nin, which you can see pop off in this episode: Of course, this was before we lost Paradox Engine (RIP). Happy brewing!

ManfredManhunter on Bottom's Up

5 years ago

Yeah, I'm not super sure on how well this current list will mesh with our playgroup.
It could very well be kinda stupid strong, but hopefully it doesn't end up like Zada or Ink-Eyes or Edric or Ydris or Ramos... where I would need to basically build a whole different deck.
If it combos out too quickly it should be easy enough to replace some of the offending pieces.

The idea is to combo though.
The most straight forward combos are Metallic Mimic + Murderous Redcap + Sac Outlet and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts , but there are a lot of more involved ones.

insanedachshund on Purphoros' Token Forge

5 years ago

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts is a cheap infinite if you want to aggro quickly.