MTG Combo: Kindred Discovery + The Locust God


geckolulz on Locust Jank Tokens

1 year ago

nrichard it's extremely fun, but I did find some issues which I will address at some point with some card changes: 1) it has bit too many counterspells and it's lacking some of the burn; 2) it turns into a game of Archenemy as soon as they see you draw past double your starting hand size while filling up your side of the board and, most importantly, 3) you WILL mill yourself to death when going infinite with Kindred Discovery + The Locust God and a) jumping the gun and your enemies being almost at starting life totals, b) not having enough mana do stuff (like stopping the combo).

demon_vayu on Locust God

7 years ago

Laboratory Maniac, as an alternative win con? Plus you don't want to deck yourself out and end up losing due to Kindred Discovery + The Locust God