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shock7123 on
My Life To Take
2 years ago
Usually, whenever I've seen Oloro played, his main win condition is a combo of some kind. I see you run a couple of the main pieces, but here are the ones to complete them:
Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top gives infinite lifegain, lets you draw your entire library, then you can zap your opponents with Aetherflux Reservoir until you win.
Maralen of the Mornsong + Opposition Agent is a soft lockdown combo that turns off player draws, makes them lose life while giving you additional card advantage.
I see that you run the Sanguine Bond + Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose combo in the deck already. If you want a redundant effect for Vito that still works with that combo, Exquisite Blood has the same effect on an enchantment for an increased mana cost.
Decree of Silence + Solemnity makes it so that your opponents can't cast anything without it just being countered infinitely. Sure, if they have ways to cast something from outside their hand, it can still be cast, but that's why I like having some cards like Drannith Magistrate or similar effects in there as well.
Dovescape + Guile is a hilariously broken combo to run as well. Counter everything, get dove tokens equal to the CMC of anything anyone casts.
Azorius also has access to a bunch of hard lock out combos. Knowledge Pool + Lavinia, Azorius Renegade , Knowledge Pool + Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , Omen Machine + Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , the list goes on.
Solemnity combos with quite a few cards, since it lets you abuse anything that would usually put counters onto a permanent or player. Force Bubble, Phyrexian Unlife, Decree of Silence, Celestial Convergence, Glacial Chasm, Dark Depths and Nine Lives all come to mind.
Esper is a fun color to play with if you like being the guy to repeatedly and often screw over the table. Oloro allows you to run any shell you really like, gain life even without taking him out of the command zone, and convert his own lifegain into card draw while draining your opponents. If you really want to up the archenemy factor, Sen Triplets is another Esper creature that loves to mess with anyone you're playing with.