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saturnosring on
Esper Control
8 years ago
Welcome to Pauper PauperAddict!I found your deck out of the blue and it caught my attention instantly because one of the first pauper decks I tried to do was an Esper control.
After trying to make it work, I realised that making three-colored decks in pauper is very hard. Although, you can try by adding some mana-fixing lands and artifacts like Crumbling Vestige, Unknown Shores or Chromatic Star.
I made my try adding an artifact theme in Esper Bomb Control but is still a prototype.
Although, for the choices you've made I would consider on making a two-colored deck:
- Blue and white would give you counters, permanent removals and draw. There is a powerful combo like Kor Skyfisher + Reality Acid that can lock the opponent removing all their permanents.
- Blue and black will provide you counters, creature removal (sacrifice, very important against hexproof) and tutors like Mystical Teachings. Milling is a typical way to win in those decks.
Either you choose one or another or you try to stick to Esper, I'll be glad to help you! Sometimes is hard to focus the strategy.