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DoomOnYOU on
8 years ago
AmazingGrace15 Aristocrats is an archetype that involves sacrificing creatures for benefits. For instance, Tokens + Sacrifice Engine + Blood Artist is a very common aristocrat backbone. I see evidence of that in your deck with lots of tokens + Ashnod's Altar. For artifacts, I would recommend Krark-Clan Ironworks + Marionette Master instead of Ashnod's Altar since you plan on sacrificing not only creatures, but artifacts specifically. Breya herself is a good sacrifice engine for artifacts, not creatures, and that's where the artifact synergy of the deck starts to become apparent.
Also, as far as mana ramping is concerned, you do fine with stuff like simple mana rocks. I'm talking about your lands in general. The fastlands (Seachrome Coast, Spirebluff Canal, etc) aren't the best choices in EDH because they will more often than not come into play tapped. If you replace your fastlands with basics, you'll be fine because you also make use of checklands (Isolated Chapel, Sulfur Falls, etc). I'd ditch all of the fastlands, and replace them with a couple of fetchlands (it would be about the same cost if you only had a few fetchlands, and you have the added bonus of grabbing shocklands too).
So, to recap, I suggest replacing Ashnod's Altar with Krark-Clan Ironworks, finding a slot for Marionette Master, and fixing the manabase in the following way:
Remove fastlands
Add two or three fetchlands + basics in their place
If you want an example of a manabase, ( this is my personal Breya deck that I'll be using. The only lands that come in tapped are my shocklands and the 3-colored lands. The rest of the manabase is pretty simple and efficient.