MTG Combo: Land Tax + Scroll Rack


The_Fallen_Duke on Avacyn's Afflicting Angels (PRIMER...KINDA)

6 years ago

Yep, I also run Land Tax + Scroll Rack in my Azorius deck and it works marvelously, I can just recommend it.

Personally I have just started using Smothering Tithe together with Howling Mine , which was already in the deck, and it's a match made in heaven: the drawback of the constant extra draw was that opponents could benefit of that too, but when their extra draw implies that you can ramp ... do you think you may want to give the mine a try?

ghostfire86 on Flashing Your Way To Victory

6 years ago

Land Tax + Scroll Rack would benefit this deck. Giving you deck manipulation, shuffle, land tutor, and stronger use of Scroll Rack by replacing empty hand slots quickly.

Winterblast on Pattern Recognition #6B - Card …

8 years ago

White still has one of the most powerful draw engines ever, which is Land Tax + Scroll Rack . It's what made the deck type "Parfait" possible and successful...If you want card draw in white, play this engine and you don't need anything else!

Winterblast on Pattern Recognition #6A - Card …

8 years ago

One massive Card draw engine in White (as it was mentioned in the article that someone asked for White Card draw) is Land Tax + Scroll Rack .

Sloanan on Odric, Lunarch Marshal

8 years ago

So yeah, first things first, you'd probably wanna add about 10 lands in there at least. Being a mono-colored deck, you don't need to worry too much about fetch-lands and such (unless you just want to have deck-thinning). You can look up other lands to put out there, but off the top of my head I'd recommend Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Mistveil Plains, Windbrisk Heights, Kor Haven, Flagstones of Trokair, and maybe even some cycle lands like Secluded Steppe and Drifting Meadow. Maybe some budget fetches like Evolving Wilds just to thin the deck out.

Now, as I'm sure you're aware, mono-white is fun, but absolutely sucks for card draw. Fortunately, we're not limited to just white cards for draw power - we've got artifacts! RupertPhd already mentioned several, and I'd back all of those, particularly Mind's Eye, but I'd also suggest Slate of Ancestry. Being a creature-heavy deck, I'd imagine you'll have plenty of them out on a regular basis, barring a boardwipe or something - use them for card draw once you've emptied your hand!

There's also one of the best combos in magic for card draw that white can access: Land Tax + Scroll Rack . Use Land Tax to get your 3 plains, then activate Scroll Rack to trade them out for three new cards! It's a VERY fun combo if you can pull it out.

Your creature base and enchantment suite look fine. Might could cut some of the weaker creatures if you need to trim, but nothing feels useless.

Honestly, I see the nice combo of Odric and 2nd main phase sweepers, but I might take some of those out, just to open up more land space. Definitely keep Austere Command, at least for versatility.

Looking at your removal, you'd probably do well to have some of white's artifact/enchantment removal added in, as artifacts and enchantments tend to shine in EDH. Dust to Dust or, even better, Return to Dust, would work well here.

Personally, I'd cut out Elspeth, Knight-Errant. Sure, it's a creature every turn, but Sun's Champion just does that so much better.

I'm sure there's more to be done, but off the top of my head those seem like routes to go down. Otherwise good deck! I like!

NoSoyYucateco on DOGE

9 years ago

Yeah, Land Tax + Scroll Rack is kind of legendary in how effective it is. Tax for three lands, rack them back to the top of your deck, rinse and repeat next turn. It's excellent. White sucks for draw so much that I wouldn't build a mono-white deck without it. Honestly, with Doge at the helm, Mentor of the Meek becomes a really good card too.

Ideally, yes, you want people dead quickly with Doge, but a good deck needs staying power and versatility.

Some other cards you might want to consider:

Protect your artifacts: Indomitable Archangel, Sun Titan, Eight-and-a-Half-Tails, Profound Journey, Remember the Fallen

Protect yourself (you have so few creatures you'll want to slow your opponents down:) Sphere of Safety, Ghostly Prison, Silent Arbiter, Angelic Arbiter, Crawlspace

The good news is, you have plenty of meh artifacts to swap out, so you can easily make room for stuff.