MTG Combo: Leech Bonder + Paradise Mantle

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Kringo on Simic Stalker (Budget)

8 years ago

I have a simic deck sort of like this except i use Elusive Krasis as my unblockable because it's easier to get counters on. I also use Hardened Scales but by adding Simic Guildmage i can move the counters and every time a counter is moved hardened scales makes another. Add Gyre Sage for mana ramping and Sage of Hours for infinite turns and you got yourself a pretty mean deck. Since you seem to be going a different route than i did i can suggest some cards you might like. Ordeal of Thassa can draw you cards and add counters at the same time for very little mana. That would be especially awesome on your unblockable guy. Servants of the scale is a good one drop and if Hardened Scales is up it comes onto the field as a 2/2 that can recycle it's counters when it dies for only one mana. Cyclonic Rift can help you control the game while you're swinging your unblockable beat stick around and if you get the mana for an overload cast and the opponent can't counter it then that's game over for them. Instead of Negate i would definitely use either Mana Leak or Rune Snag. costs the same amount of mana and can counter creature spells unlike negate. If you're really not worried about creature spells then i would definitely recommend using Spell Pierce or Stubborn Denial instead. Kalonian Hydra is a pretty expensive card but if you get your hands on one then it can also end games by itself very quickly. It also will come onto the battlefield with an extra counter just like Servants of the scale if you have a Hardened Scales out too. Vorel of the Hull Clade is a must in any simic counter deck. If you want to do an infinite counter combo Leech Bonder + Paradise Mantle is always pretty cool and also will add some removal into your deck. Fathom Mage is really good for keeping your hand healthy and works wonderfully with Chasm Skulker. hell Chasm Skulker by itself is pretty nifty since you're running Give / Take. You can place the three counters on him, take them off, draw 3, and since you drew 3 cards the counters you removed go right back on him. 3 mana for a creature that comes in as a 1/1 may seam pretty steep but once you get him rolling he's a monster, especially if he get's killed and you get a bunch of islandwalk tokens. Simic Manipulator is another nifty little 1/1 3 drop. Truthfully he isn't too great but he is fun to play around with lol. And last but not least Champion of Lambholt seriously these 3 drop 1/1's wtf simic? but this one is worth it. I can't tell you how many times I couldn't draw a creature that could punch through the enemy defences only to have this bad boy make all my creatures unblockable. Plus she builds up her own counters without much help pretty well if you're running a lot of creatures. Anyways I can probably go all day recommending simic counter cards so i'll just stop here and throw a link to my simic deck. But wait, there's more!! Infinite extra turns!! maybe you'll see another card you like. Anyways, happy simicing comrade! +1 :)

1empyrean on Lazav is a lazy bum!

8 years ago

Definitely Jace's Archivist, as stated above, but also, Dark Deal, Whispering Madness, and Windfall all do similar things. Chains of Mephistopheles would be fun to use if it didn't cost so much...

If you are looking for a bit of land ramp, you could try Dreamscape Artist.

If you want a ridiculous way to move Glen Elendra Archmage's persist counter (and isn't Mikaeus, the Unhallowed), try Leech Bonder + Paradise Mantle and you can move all counters on creatures wherever you want. This can help if an opponent is using lots of +1/+1 counters. This also turns Glen Elendra Archmage into a way to remove creatures from play.

Lastly, you could use the eldrazi processors from BFZ to return opponent's exiled cards to their graveyard, triggering Lazav. Sire of Stagnation, Mimic Vat, and King Macar, the Gold-Cursed could work with that. Makes use of opponents who exile their own stuff (imprint, for example).

I could rattle off more ideas, but there are only so many things you can do in one deck and different directions you can go. Keep things simple, and figuring out what answers work for you in your meta shouldn't be too hard.