MTG Combo: Life and Limb + Sporemound

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BlueBat93 on Korvold, the Savage Hunter

5 years ago

Korvold is just such a cool and flexible commander. You can build him in a million ways. Really like the inclusion of the Life and Limb + Sporemound combo and Grumgully, the Generous with persist creatures.

SnarpseTheKlepht on Fungus EDH

5 years ago

Not so much a recommendation as a warning. Be very careful with your Life and Limb + Sporemound combo. This combo actually sets off an unstoppable creation of "saproling forests." Unless you can break the chain with something like Krosan Grip you will technically force the game into a draw since you never stop making saprolings.

As for the rest of the deck, it looks solid! My very first deck was also a fungus tribal, but I used Ghave, Guru of Spores. Your deck looks a lot like mine did, and it's sure to be tons of fun. Personally, I did have a lot of fun with Saproling Burst. It's certainly a good idea if you're considering a proliferate subtheme.

bushido_man96 on Doubling landfall triggers?

5 years ago

The Life and Limb + Sporemound combo? Otherwise, you have to look into bouncing lands to your hand to re-play them, with cards like Walking Atlas and Llanowar Scout. I just recently put together a Tatyova, Benthic Druid deck that bounces lands and replays them for multiple reasons, and I run several effects like that.

What deck are you playing this focus in?

ragarci2 on Duke Slimefoot and the Saproling Court

6 years ago

No Life and Limb + Sporemound combo? Yes, it creates an infinite loop, but if you have a sac outlet...

thijmnesoy on Omnathian Combo Ramp on a Budget!

6 years ago

hi, I found your deck by searching this combo (Life and Limb + Sporemound ) on and I have read your discription. Now that the new set, Dominaria, is out, Sylvan Awakening looks like a good replacement for Rude Awakening. let me know if you agree. ^_^

Dorotheus on MagicalHacker - List of All 2-Card Infinite Combos

6 years ago

Elemental Mastery also works with Altar Golem.

OH here's a really esoteric one: Life and Limb + Sporemound , and I previously mentioned Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion on the forum page also, as mentioned above Aphetto Alchemist also works in that.

Triton on Omnathian Combo Ramp on a Budget!

7 years ago

This list looks really good! Here are some suggestions to consider:

Also Life and Limb + Sporemound is infinite landfall triggers. However, it is quite hard to pull off without a means of tutoring for Life and Limb.

Hope these suggestions help!

Chuubii on

8 years ago

Thanks, I am gonna add Leyline of Vitality :)

I'd prefer Blood Artist over Zulaport Cutthroat as well, but he is really expensive.

Life and Limb + Sporemound seems fun, but I already have problems thinking what to take out of the deck. Grave Pact is a tad too expensive.