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titanreaver on
Abysmal Horror
9 years ago
Personally I don't think Karakas is a hard card for you to beat. You can usually out do the land race and with Life from the Loam + Wasteland you can typically stop what ever it is they are trying to do. The reason I don't personally like Skeletal Scrying is the mana. Having to pay for each card draw makes it a bit less reliable to get full value out of it. If you want to increase your dredge triggers I think the better way is using those cycling lands. I do really like Exploration in the deck, which just further increases the chance to get around a Karakas. If you do decide to go and add white as I see people have mentioned, I have a deck that uses this win condition in the sideboard disturbing the graveyard for junk. It works pretty well and maybe something there would be useful to you. Personally I think your worst enemy is graveyard hate. Rest in Peace, and Leyline of the Void being the most effective of them. It can be very hard to deal with these kind of things if you do not have a good backup plan. The main problem is how prevalent this form of hate is since it just so happens to be good against several other tier 1 decks. This is why I like, and originally suggested Desperate Research, now if you don't think you will be dealing with this kind of hate than your other card choices are clear upgrades. Now Abrupt Decay can deal with Rest in Peace but if you are looking at killing anything else that is locking you down, Krosan Grip usually does the trick, also sideboarding things like Surgical Extraction can help you to only have to deal with things once. I normally employ Pernicious Deed as a go to removal whenever I have B/G available, for you it could be good to employ just before deploying the avatar.