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Quicksilver on
8 years ago
First, +1 for the name. I love all wordplay based Anafenza titled decks.
I originally had a huge list of things to discuss, but you've actually got almost every card I was going to recommend, including a Liliana's Caress
Painful Quandary
combo. I'll get to that list shortly, but for cuts:
Spore Frog - You're not running turbofog, and your deck doesn't have much recursion.
You have two Shrieking Affliction. Remove one for the Eidolon of Blossoms. Enchantment based strategies are great in green and white for their card draw power.
Guul Draz Specter - I don't know how often in your meta opponents run out of cards, but I don't think it's nearly enough to justify a card that will be most of the time just a cheap chump blocker. In the same token, Asylum Visitor will be most likely in the same position.
Bottomless Pit does you no favours. When using cards that affect everyone, make sure that you can benefit the most from it. Your deck has no dredge abilities, should you need to discard, it should be a small price to pay i.e; when you can bring cards back from the graveyard. Throwing away a good card can backfire in the late game.
Rest in Peace - It's one thing to not have graveyard retrieval at all, but when you throw away cards while this is on the field, it will hurt you too. I'll recommend some tax/hatebear cards shortly to explain how to best provide pain to other players without as much cost to you.
Vampiric Rites - it's early game cost makes it sound good, but it's a stupidly slow card even with ramp. There is just so much more you can do with 2 extra mana, this card is just not ideal.
Your deck has a large collection of creatures, perhaps enough to justify taxing opponents. A few recommendations:
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - The Quintessential tax card. Proabably not the best for this deck as you have enough non creature spells to affect you, but it had to be mentioned. The Vryn Wingmare is the inferior card.
Archangel of Tithes - pay to block and pay to attack. No one likes the slow down this card brings, and it's devotion may be enough to justify Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.
Dryad Militant - as I mentioned earlier, Rest in Peace affects all your cards. This card is a little more narrow. Where only their creatures were being exiled, now it's their sorceries and instants! You haven't got enough of those to be too badly affected, so I would recommend this card.
Managorger Hydra - Anyone pays a spell, this guy grows. He gets big quickly too.
Predator Ooze - Indestructible, gets huge in no time. The kind of card your opponents can't afford to keep on the field for too long.