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Devilish912 on Greatness at Any Cost
6 years ago
I like the Madcap Experiment + Platinum Emperion combo
morgud on Boros Death-Star
6 years ago
Ignore my Stuffy Doll suggestion -- interferes with the Madcap Experiment + Platinum Emperion combo
Xica on Why hasn't Mardu found a …
7 years ago
So in response to bullshit like:
"Without "catch all" cards like Maelstrom Pulse/Abrupt Decay or Mana Leak - if the threat enters play...Mardu tends to loose."
"Mardu lacks a reliable, strong threat like Tarmogoyf. Either you go tokens and go wide, or you play a much more controlling style with higher top end threats."
I would be glad to present some cards that were printed AFTER the old Innistrad block
Anguished Unmaking & Utter End are as universal, as removal can get.
Madcap Experiment + Platinum Emperion
do provide a beater that is always bigger than goys (8/8 > 7/8).
Yes it comes down later, but its not such a great problem, when your life total can't change. It also dodges a LOT of removal, from the top of my head its only hit by 3 cards that are more or less common in modern Path to Exile, Murderous Cut & Maelstrom Pulse.
(P.s.: drawing it off bob is only a problem if you don't have one in play, and you can easily run this 8 mana monster as a 2 of)
Lets also not forget that whit provides the strongest hate in the sideboard Rest in Peace; Leyline of Sanctity; Stony Silence.
The colors have fewer problems than most people think but they are not insignificant:1# Its not established - thus fewer people play it, because the wise spikes have tunnel vision - and the colors are at their best at midrange, thus there is no meta where this deck would beat the most popular deck, thus goldfishing victory.
2# It misses some modern "staples" that must be included in every deck - according to some people's thinking - Snapcaster Mage; Tarmogoyf
3# It has stuff that costs 4 cmc! and without "delve"! That is heresy.
As everyone knows modern games always end before T4, thus this deck auto loses to everything, as its too slow.
Apakakuta on Ad Nauseam
8 years ago
Have you considered the Madcap Experiment + Platinum Emperion sideboard plan?
iBleedPunk on
8 years ago
Happymaster19 I was wanting this deck to be come into its own rather than jam Madcap Experiment + Platinum Emperion into a different shell. But like I've said before I don't know much about Modern and don't know how well this deck would play against other well oiled decks. Would it be best to just jam the aforementioned combo into a Control shell or should I keep at it?