MTG Combo: Mana Echoes + Sliver Queen

Latest Decks

EDH 735 / 856
Sliver Overlord feature for The Queen's Egg


BMHKain on

4 years ago

@king-saproling: I seriously have to owe you this time if you wish to help. Currently making a Creatureless Superfriends Deck (Thus the Mana Echoes + Sliver Queen combo. Outside of Tokens, There are no other creatures in the entire deck. Even according to some, besides all of Tappedout, Creatureless seems to be the better way out, as you could use Boardwipes w/ no regret, Asymmetrical Stax, & even HUGE amounts of Walker Shenanigans. But w/ 65 cards to cut, a lot of Walkers, in addition to several guidelines this time, I will have to show them myself:

  1. Incorporate an Artifact Matters engine (Maybe add more useful Artifice?) using Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer, or even Rowan Kenrith; the choice is yours.

  2. Would Cryptolith Rite be useful here as Infinite Mana?

  3. A Creatureless Infinite Draw Combo.

  4. Are there any noncreatures that protect both me & my Walkers? They are now considered separate targets entirely.

  5. Is there any noncreature at all that benefits from Mystic Barrier? Or is Dueling Grounds a better option/or are there better options?

HUGE set of Priorities if this deck needs them. 65 Cards to cut, & only little room for improvement/adds & precarious stuff to cut. That said, I still have a limit on budget (I can't even afford one card at $599.), that said, It would be interesting what you could throw into a CREATURELESS Superfriends Deck as well...

good luck, should you accept...

Pheardemons on As I drew my last breath, they took it from me.

8 years ago

ComboCrazy The infinite combo with Mana Echoes + Sliver Queen is in here, but they're all slivers anyway. Stuff like Krenko, Mob Boss could work. By the way slivers have Hivestone which is somewhat better than Xenograft. At least for slivers. I do see it in other tribals, also for black they have Conspiracy.