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clayperce on
Ulasht Tokens
8 years ago
Some thoughts, in no particular order:
- Skullclamp, to turn your Saprolings into a little green Draw engine.
- Mana Echoes is completely bonkers in a token deck ... I had to add some X-spells just to make use of all the mana! Add Sprout Swarm and you've got Mana Echoes
Sprout Swarm
, which goes infinite (both Saprolings and mana), given 5 untapped Saprolings (or 4 and a
, or 3 and
). Add Ivy Lane Denizen and you've got Ivy Lane Denizen + Mana Echoes + Ulasht, the Hate Seed which goes infinite too.
- For more +1/+1 counter strategy: Champion of Lambholt; Juniper Order Ranger; Bloodspore Thrinax; Forgotten Ancient; and Mycoloth
- Artifact Mutation, Aura Mutation, and Aura Shards are solid, yet flavorful removal.
- One quick thing: I'm not a fan of Primal Vigor at all ... it's just too much of a group hug card for my tastes.
- Bow of Nylea maybe? Because Deathtouch Saprolings!
- Moonveil Dragon maybe? Because Firebreathing Saprolings!
Good luck (and good skill) on the build!
clayperce on
the hate weed
8 years ago
With all the usual caveats (I don't know anything about your playgroup, I've no idea how the deck actually plays, etc), here are a few thoughts:
In general:
- As others have said, 31 seems really light. The average of all the Ulasht decks in EDHREC is 37.
- I know lots of folks like Temple of the False God but I'm not a fan. I hate drawing it early and rarely wish for it late.
- I like the Pandemonium effect, but not its group hug aspects. I prefer Warstorm Surge.
- Forgotten Ancient and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar offer great +1/+1 counter synergy.
- Mana Echoes goes completely bonkers in a token deck. It also goes infinite as Mana Echoes + Sprout Swarm
- Arachnogenesis, maybe?
Draw well!
clayperce on
Delayed Reaction
8 years ago
I run Aggravated Assault
Savage Ventmaw
in my Rith deck and love the combo. Best part is the Ventmaw triggers on declare attackers ... it doesn't even matter if it can connect or not!
Mana Echoes is another good combo option ... I like it as Mana Echoes + Sprout Swarm , but it goes infinite with a bunch of cards, and near-infinite just on its own (e.g., 10 Warriors = 100 colorless).
Have you had a chance to get Blade of Selves on a table? I was super-excited about it at first but recently pulled it from my Haz' deck. It was sometimes AWESOME, but I found the high mana cost, the need for a haste effect on Haz', and its high chance of late-game whiff (when against only one opponent) incresingly frustrating. If you're loving it, cool. If not, sorry for the bad advice earlier!
clayperce on
Rith, the Sapling lord
8 years ago
Good on ya for running Rith, and especially for running her with a heavy Saproling theme!
A few thoughts:
- I started out running many of the same cards you are, as I know how much Rith loves her Saproling army, but over time I've dropped almost all of the slow/non-explosive Saproling generators. I've found that Mycoloth and Rith are by far my two best Saproling generators, so I now focus more on (1) getting more +1/+1 counters on Mycoloth (with things like Bloodspore Thrinax and Forgotten Ancient) and (2) making sure Rith can connect (with things like Spirit Mantle, Trailblazer's Boots, or Vorrac Battlehorns) and generate extra Saprolings with Doublestrike effects and Strionic Resonator.
- One that I would suggest adding though: Saproling Burst. I love the fact you can scale from 6x 1/1 Saprolings to 1x 6/6 Saproling as the situation demands.
- In my group, Primal Vigor is WAY too much of a group hug card for my tastes. If it works in yours though, more power to ya ... literally!
- You might consider Mana Echoes, especially if you're running Sprout Swarm anyway (Mana Echoes
Sprout Swarm
goes infinite (for both Saprolings and mana) given 5 untapped Saprolings (or 4 and a
, or 3 and
My deck's very different, but you're welcome to drop by anytime: Smashface Gardening w/ Rith
Draw well!
P.S. Good luck on landing Life and Limb + Sporemound !
clayperce on
Don't sneeze at Hazez!
9 years ago
Oh, that's so awesome; CONGRATS!!!
The kudos though go to Faybian, as he or she was the person who suggested the card to me for my Rith deck.
If you want to go even more bonkers, it goes infinite as Mana Echoes + Sprout Swarm ... I'm sure there are other Naya combos as well.
Hope your next game is even more epic!
clayperce on
9 years ago
It's always great to see another Rith deck here on T/O, and yours looks really fun.
A few quick thoughts:
- You've got good Artifact and Enchantment removal, but Artifact Mutation, Aura Mutation, and Aura Shards are extra fun with Rith.
- I'm not sure how your group feels about infinite combos, but if you're running Sprout Swarm and Sporemound anyways, you might consider Mana Echoes + Sprout Swarm and, if you're feeling lucky, Life and Limb + Sporemound .
- Pandemonium can be really dangerous ... no way would I run it with my group, but good on ya if you can!
- Forgotten Ancient maybe? I love it as either Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth or Champion of Lambholt + Forgotten Ancient
Your deck kind of lies between two decks of mine: Smashface Gardening w/ Rith and Sandbagging w/ Hazezon ... please feel free to drop by either anytime!
Draw well!
clayperce on
Rith the Awa- that's a lot of tokens
9 years ago
A great title + my favorite Commander = +1!
I don't know how your group feels about infinite combos, but you might want to take a look at two:
- Mana Echoes
Sprout Swarm
: Mana Echoes is really pricey, but it can generate some seriously insane mana with Rith (10 Saprolings on the field and she drops another 10 = 200 Colorless mana ... you have to use it during the Combat step, but wow!). It combos with the Swarm for infinite Saprolings and infinite mana, given 5 untapped Saprolings (or 4 and a
, or 3 and
- Life and Limb + Sporemound : Life and Limb is really dangerous (one boardwipe and your're done), but if you're running it anyways, you might want to add a Sporemound too, for infinite Saprolings and Landfalls. Just make sure you have a sac' outlet or Instant-speed Enchantment removal handy to turn it off, or you'll force a draw!
Whenever I see a Mycoloth, I look for a Forgotten Ancient. I'm not sure if you have enough +1/+1 counters-matter cards, to make him worth a slot, but you might want to give him a look.
With all the usual disclaimers (I have no idea about your meta, or how the deck actually plays, etc), here are some thoughts on a few cards:
- I ran Mycologist, Psychotrope Thallid, Utopia Mycon, and Pollenbright Wings for a while and found them all too slow.
- I'm not a fan of either the discard or the group hug of Saproling Cluster
I run a very different Rith deck over at Smashface Gardening w/ Rith, but you're welcome to drop any anytime!
Draw well!
clayperce on
Hazzezon 1
9 years ago
It's always great to see another Haz' deck!
One quick thought: Not sure how your group feels about infinite vombos, but if you're running Sprout Swarm anyways, you might look at Mana Echoes. Mana Echoes
Sprout Swarm
= Infinite Saprolings and mana, given 5 untapped Saprolings ... or 4 and a , or 3 and
I also wanted to ask if your deck plays OK with all the 7-drops. I like a lower average CMC plus I usually want to cast Haz' at that point instead, so I try to avoid 7-drops if at all possible. But if it's working for you, maybe I'll take another look!
Oh yeah: Blade of Selves! It's great with Haz' but with all your other ETB creatures as well
I run a very different deck (less pump/different tokens, more ETB abuse) over at Sandbagging w/ Hazezon. Please drop by, any time!
Draw well!