If you can cast Reiterate with buyback in response to a Mana Geyser that will produce 7 or more mana, you can cast infinite Reiterates to get infinite storm and infinite mana.
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Wipey on
Starke, The Man with a Knife
5 years ago
If Jandor's Saddlebags makes it in, Umbral Mantle it totally worth it. Also I wasn't aware of the Mana Geyser + Reiterate combo! But sadly both of these cards are expensive :c but one can dream :) maybe someday
The_Grape on
7 years ago
How does your first combo with Reiterate and Reality Spasm work? Mizzix does not discount alternative costs such as buyback reiterate. Sorry, but I'm not 100% sure if you take that into consideration cause I was confused about the combo description.
What would be an infinite combo to consider is Mana Geyser + Reiterate if your opponent has at least 7 lands tapped and you have no counters. Mizzix and other mana reducers like Arcane Melee and Jace's Sanctum require your opponent to have even less lands.
The_Grape on
Melek's Spell Frenzy
8 years ago
So, this looks like a decent deck, but Melek is about copying spells and playing spells. You need Galvanoth, Djinn Illuminatus, Pyromancer's Goggles, Jace's Sanctum, there is the Mana Geyser + Reiterate infinite combo if your opponent has at least some amount of tapped lands. You also need more x cost burn spells like Fall of the Titans which can wipe the floor with 2 opponents at once and stuff like that. There is also Isochron Scepter for copying spells and Sphinx-Bone Wand if this is not a very competitive deck.