MTG Combo: Melira, Sylvok Outcast + Murderous Redcap + Viscera Seer

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JohnnyBaggins on Is card: Melira, Sylvok Outcast …

8 years ago

Melira excels with Persist creatures. Melira can be (ab)used with Persist creatures. Consider this, a deck that runs 4x Melira and 4x Torment. If there's no immediate pay-off for either of those spells, what do they do if they happen to be drawn on their own?
Melira: You now have a 2/2 for 2. That's... not very good. Other players are casting Tarmogoyfs for that.
Everlasting Torment: You now have an enchantment that literally does nothing. Your creatures die to Path to Exile and Lightning Bolt just the same. Lighting Bolt even gets better. You opponents Siege Rhino gets a little worse but... that's about it?

You see, either card on its own is awful.
Now, what happens if you draw both cards together?
Quite something, but is it amazing? You're now advantaged in combat and Lightning Bolt is not a removal spell for now. But there's still plenty of ways to answer this and you're also not progressing by much in the Game. T2 Melira into T3 Torment is nothing that pressures anyone and other than Burn decks, there should be no deck that can't answer Melira. Affinity just runs you over, Jund has Decay and Terminate, Abzan has Path and Decay, any Black deck has access to Liliana and control decks don't give a flying fuck about Melira, they have Wrath of God, Supreme Verdict, Damnation and others. Burn probably also runs you over and points burn at the face.

On the other hand, Melira, Sylvok Outcast + Murderous Redcap + Viscera Seer is something else. The opponent is dead. On the spot. No matter what they did up to that point. You just combo off, there's no way to stop it.

The key point being, contrary to your inital post, your creatures are far from indestructible, they're just save from Damage. In a format where this is decent, but far from game-breaking because this can easily be answered or just raced, this isn't impressive.
Again: I'm not saying it's a bad idea. It's fantastic, actually, if you're thinking more Casual play. But what does this combo do to stop Turn 1 Gobin Guides? What does it do to stop Jund's absurd power level? Not enough. Not if it's answerable that easy.