MTG Combo: Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond

When midnight guard is enchanted with presence of gone it is untapped when the token it creates is created, allowing for infinite reuse.


Balaam__ on Infinite GW

2 years ago

You mentioned the Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond combo, but I think you forgot to include the latter half. But that’s actually what I wanted to mention, the idea that I don’t think multiple infinite combos is really necessary. I think you’d be better off building one of the combos and allocating the other slots to protecting/facilitating it. It’ll bring the deck more into focus, and you can dedicate yourself to protecting it at all costs, paving the way to victory.

psionictemplar on Mass Token Massacre

4 years ago

Sorry for the double post but I couldn't elaborate more at the time. I think you have a good base idea between the Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond combo and can lead your themes from there. Theme 1 could be mass tokens and theme 2 could be board control against creatures. This way if you have creatures you can win with combat or you could add things like Grave Pact to help keep the entire board clean. The bastion you currently run works with both ideas.

Another thing I am going to suggest is keeping the number of colors you run down. As you add more colors, the odds of not having the mana you need to play your spells increase as well. Sticking to g/w/b (azban) will also let you run less come into play tapped (cipt) lands and more basics which should help your deck be faster as well. I would like to see where you take this from here.

Gl hf.

5dollarMTG on 5dollarMTG

4 years ago

This week's new deck is $5 Infinite Midnight - my take on the classic Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond combo.

Mathew7-7 on Sharuum the Dredgemon

5 years ago

First let me say I love the idea behind this deck. I love infinite combos, I run an infinite mill in my modern list.

Second, I personally cant see thos as an FNM just due to its price, but I also am a budget leaning player so please dont take offense.

And Third, since Bridge from Below is banned in modern I would suggest swapping your black for green and running Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond you can then add something like Altar of the Brood or Blasting Station + Ornithopter with an Enduring Renewal

Like I said though I love the idea and inspiration

Vash13 on Trostani, Token Master

6 years ago

This list has been very helpful i am making a Rhys the Redeemed deck myself but will probly rotate Trostani, Voice of Selesnya in as a comander, great budget list as well, thank you. Oh and for the fellow who asked about Spawnwrith like a year ago (lol) if i could get a 2/2 trample tolken on the board with my tolken deck there would soon be lethal damage coming your way in the form of 30 2/2's with trample, thats why its good, its one of the great budget optons here :), and as a thank you, try running Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond its one of my best combos for this devotion

Homelessguy on emmara i guess

6 years ago

Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond or Phyrexian Altar + Thornbite Staff , there's a Planeswalker from the one of the dinosaur sets that gets a emblem that whenever another creature comes under your control draw a card( sorry don't know its name the best I got is like hula or something).