MTG Combo: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Viscera Seer + Walking Ballista

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BreakthroughArtist on k'rrik lichdom

5 years ago

Diamond Mare Copper Gnomes?

I imagine we can cut a bunch of cards for stuff like Treacherous Blessing, maybe even Liliana's contract?

I'm not really comfortable with so few tutors for Lich's Mastery - is there any way where resolving Behold the Beyond just wins us the game?

Mausoleum Secrets into Mortal Combat ^_^

Sidisi, Undead Vizier

Demonic Consultation

is it worth it to us to run Liliana Vess?

dirty doomsday pile: Infernal Contract into Sacrifice or whatever ritual, then Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Viscera Seer + Walking Ballista