MTG Combo: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus


BrutalRamen on

6 years ago

As far as making it more competitive I would look at Karador, Ghost Chieftain: The Primer! It has a really nice primer! Karador, ETB Chieftain is closer to what you already have. My deck Deaths Door is more of just winning inside of a reanimator shell where really any abzan commander could work. You have great cards in there already, maybe need some more ramp to get to your high drops or find ways to cheat them into play. Also as a question how do you win? Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus

Omeros on Need Assistance in Helping People …

7 years ago

Here's a wincon that plays well with your sac-friendly deck: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus . Loop Primus with the persist/undying recursion to take out all non-creature permanents your opponents control. As long as you're not dead on board to their creatures you've probably got it won.

TheRedGoat on Meren goddess of death and rebirth

8 years ago

Not really a suggestion, but did you realize that Mazirek+Clique with the right creatures recurred is an instant KO?

I am seeing you use clique to recur some kind of fatty with trample, and then sac it to get any second creature after persist triggers. In response to the second creature hitting the field, you sac it to start your infinite sac loop with clique, and since Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest is your source of +1 counter gains, Mazirek himself and that first recurred creature are getting infinitely big (hence the infinite KO, which is even easier if Mazirek was the commander).

Also that looping sacrifice with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus is also a full board wipe if your Grave Pact or a similar card is out. I never knew that kind of dirty removal existed in B/G until today.

smthomas on Meren, Necromancer

8 years ago

It looks like you're headed in the right direction with this deck. Some cards that I would personally recommend (that don't cost too much) are:Fertilid -- It can ramp 2 basic lands and sac itself for 2G2C Avenger of Zendikar tokens for mana or field wipes once you have altars/pacts outStrionic Resonator - pay 2C and tap to double Meren's second triggered ability, bringing back 2 creatures at the end stepMindslicer + Sidisi, Undead Vizier - Make everyone discard their hands and you get to tutor a cardSavra, Queen of the Golgari - Just has general all-around synergy with what Meren should be doingMitotic Slime - a great token generator that can survive board wipes, or give Meren 7 Exp with a sac outlet activeBuried Alive - a great tutor for any deck where recursion is a main themeHornet Queen - helps you keep enemy fliers from whittling down your life totalUrborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - fixes your mana and sets up hijinx with Cabal Coffers if you choose to invest $30 for the combo

As well as general ramp cards to set you up for success early game, including Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Expedition Map, Sylvan Scrying, Rampant Growth.

Once you have some mana at your disposal, you may want a doubler or two to take advantage of it. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and Crypt Ghast can do the trick, but so can Liliana of the Dark Realms.

As user Stonewaul mentioned, you look like you could use a win condition to help your deck finish the game before your opponent does. There are two routes you could go here: one would be with infinite combos (of which Golgari has many), and the old-fashioned Black burn route.

For infinite combos, check out Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus and any other sacrifice outlet or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion . You could also go a little meaner and try Necrotic Ooze + Phyrexian Devourer + Triskelion , but this one isn't very interactive, and people will certainly hate you for doing it.

If you want to go the traditional route of killing people with creatures, try Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth (props if you get there using your Birthing Pod).

There is also the burn route -- check out Kokusho, the Evening Star and Gray Merchant of Asphodel for multiplayer games.

Some cards that I would recommend removing include Havoc Demon and Golgari Thug as they seem like they hurt you more than help. If you are looking for selective wrath or wrath-like effects, try Attrition, In Garruk's Wake, and Gaze of Granite.

Good luck and try not to become too op! (My playgroup hates playing against my Meren deck because it is ridiculously efficient once it gets going) Meren can hold her own against the best of commander decks.

mortilus on ◕‿ ◕ ~Isn't he Just so Cute?~ ◕‿ ◕

8 years ago

Your understanding of Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus is incorrect and should be fixed in the description.
    ||   Step 3 - Resolve the Persist/Undying triggers, Woodfall Primus
    ||   now comes into play with both a -1/-1 and a +1/+1 counter. The
    ||   counters cancel each other out and Woodfall is now a 6/6 without
    ||   any counters. Woodfall's ETB now goes on the stack, select
    ||   targets and resolve the ability.

It is impossible to resolve two separate effects from two different triggers simultaneously.

What actually happens is that when Woodfall Primus dies, both triggers go on the stack. You control both, so you choose the order in which they resolve. Since you want to go infinite, you order them such that the effect which will succeed in rezzing Woodfall Primus resolves first. The other, upon resolution, cannot find the correct Primus to rez, and so fizzles.

This means you must alternate the effects - when it dies with a -1/-1 counter, use Undying to rez; when it dies with a +1/+1 counter on it, use Persist.

KarmaWG on Meren value

8 years ago

Also I thought that Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus would not make an infinite. Woodfall Primus is back with both -1/-1 and +1/+1, the second time he'll die, either due to undying or persist (please somebody point me wrong).

Okay, I try with this deck being my inspiration, but my way is too different I think.

Massacre Wurm is great, btw. why no Damnation? I would put it if I could find it.