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bparx on Blue Red Devoid
8 years ago
Molten Nursery + Nettle Drone work really well together. The red side of the deck definitely has some good synergy.
Hobbez9186 on Blue red Eldrazi
8 years ago
Yep, he's talking about my deck and I started almost the exact same way. I got giddy with excitement when I first laid eyes on Barrage Tyrant because there are plenty of fatties to throw, especially Desolation Twin. It's great because even if the spell itself is countered, you still get the token and a 10/10 body to attack with and then throw after combat. The problem for me was that even with Conduit of Ruin and Herald of Kozilek I rarely ever got to do that. A few times I did in Two Headed Giant, and I swung for 20 which got blocked and killed two creatures and then I threw both and did 20 damage anyway. It's truly exciting. I slowly altered the deck to revolve more around the Nettle Drone and Molten Nursery because even though the damage was substantially less, I could start the hurt way sooner and spread the damage around wherever I needed to. I got really lucky opening packs and got a full playset of Reality Smashers and it was an easy decision to trade the Twins out. I kept them in sideboard for multiplayer games or if I'm playing against a slow deck to add a win condition, but repeated pinging and spread out damage was a vastly more reliable strategy than aggro. I don't even need to attack to win if they won't let me.
I guess what I'm getting at is that there are a lot of nice cards up there, but you don't have any kind of utility to take advantage of the colors you're using. Like I said, I was in the same boat. I tried different kinds of tempo cards like counter spells and burn, but the best thing I ever did was add Hedron Crawlers for a little ramp and make sure everything was Devoid to trigger Molten Nursery + Nettle Drone as often as possible. You'll need to decide how you want to tempo the other player to buy yourself time to drop those monsters and keep them safe to win the game.
Good luck, there's plenty of options out there, but if you decide to stay big and scary I can't recommend anything better than Titan's Presence and Displacement Wave.
albino_ninja on Devoid Rakdos
8 years ago
Thank you TobyG, Flayer Drone was a great addition to this deck. As much as it pained me to get rid of the combo of Molten Nursery + Nettle Drone they were too often at times a dead draw. Now that OGW is out I can turn every slot towards a pure aggro base.
On that note, replacing Molten Nursery with Visions of Brutality turned out to be a good call, it gives me a way around massive/tricky creatures while providing a life threat to my opponent.
albino_ninja on albino_ninja
9 years ago
Ok, now I have a grip on where your coming from, but the real question is where do you want to go with your decklist?
My original list for the Rakdos devoid deck had Barrage Tyrant as a win condition and let me tell you, hurling a pumped up Hangarback Walker at someone just to get a bunch of thopter tokens was awesomew. But the problem I was running into with my original deck was that I split my focus, meaning I had a "burn" deck with an aspect of aggro to keep pressure. By doing this i had to choose one path or another depending on the match up, sounds like a good thing right? Nope, its not. When I needed to aggro to keep pace, the threats weren't big enough or fast enough and I just got out ran. And when I need to sit back and burn, my aggro cards where a dead draw. I concluded by the end of the first FMN, that I needed to focus on one aspect and mold my deck around that because the current standard meta has far too much removal and is too quick to try and have one deck do it all.
Now this is where your personal play style comes into the picture. Do you want to stick with the Burn theme or do you want to go pure aggro? If you want to go the aggro route then the deck list you saw is pretty tits, I have a lot of fun playing it and it can produce a 5/4 on T3 or a 3/3 on T2. But if you want to go the burn route, which i have been playing with, then I highly suggest that you run R/U and splash B. The grisix colors are easily supported by the fetches and fetchable lands. Plus it gives you access to devoid counter spells, which are highly needed in standard.
Here is my Devoid Burn deck list: Eldrazi...Burn??? copy
This deck is just something I have been tweeking for awhile and I like it for the most part. The mana base will change with the upcoming set tho.
As for your questions about Hangarback Walker with Vile Aggregate and Sludge Crawler, I loved having Hangarback in my deck. Yes, he is a huge removal magnet and most of the time you only get a few thopters but you have to play him in a support roll, chump block with him, have him eat up a Ruinous Path and then attach a blade to a thopter and start beating face from the air lol Vile Aggregate is dangerous because it has trample and ingest. when backed into a corner, cast as many chump blockers as you can and just swing with him. Sludge Crawler is a perfect first turn play.
All n all, I decided to go aggro for the consistency of the deck, you never get a dead draw late in the game. But I am still enamored with the Molten Nursery + Nettle Drone combo. I have done some serious damage with my Grisix list.
I hope this helps you further improve your deck and feel free to comment with any more questions you might have.