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TheRedGoat on
The Pillowest Fort Possible
8 years ago
I'm sorry to be "that guy", but you technically don't actually need anything more than 2 of your listed cards to lock the game. Those being Mycosynth Lattice + Stony Silence . Between the two, all cards are artifacts with nothing but some triggered effects and maybe bodies/combat abilities that can block your creatures. Because that set up locks out mana for each player, all you've created is a stalemate scenario that proceeds until you've attacked the opponent to death with your indestructible artifact creatures.
The only way any of this lock can be stopped is if you played it out card by card and assumed that some parts of the lock simply aren't in play.
To me a better way to format this page would be to list the cards that defeat specific lock combos, such as how Bonds of Mortality and a powerful burn spell can get around the indestructibility of the Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice set up. But at the same time, most if not all burn spells you would be able to abuse are instantly shut down by Gaddock Teeg. Even if you assumed to have March of the Machines and somehow got multiple copies of Elesh Norn, pretty much all cards you would use to obtain that scenario are stopped just by him unless you assume he isn't in play, and thus does not need to be played around.
This isn't a bad concept, it just feels a little too generic in your "challenge" you issue, so I would design some specific parameters for it. I also apologize if I sound a little angry with my rant, as I do realize this is all in good fun, but I'm also usually ticked off with "no win" or "nobody wins" scenarios.
legendofa on
The Pillowest Fort Possible
8 years ago
Bovine073, can you find a way to take advantage of the fact that Erayo's Essence counters? Boseiju, Who Shelters All is interesting, but it's another activated ability negated by Mycosynth Lattice + Stony Silence . Also, Angel of Jubilation prevents the life payment.
legendofa on
The Pillowest Fort Possible
8 years ago
Nice thought, aholder7, but Nivix Guildmage is shut down by Mycosynth Lattice + Stony Silence .
And yes, the more you can blow this thing up, the better.