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albino_ninja on
Spirited Away [W/U instant speed spirits]
8 years ago
Control Match up are my favorite, simply because its like a chess game with response cards. W/B control I usually dominate, Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit comes in handy when growing your creatures out of Languishs reach. Rattlechains + Selfless Spirit are key to defending against removal. Esper control is still a hard match up because they have access to counterspells.
Delirium decks are my hardest matchup, I usually get spanked! Nantuko Husk + Zulaport Cutthroat paired with the new liliana is hard to beat. If you have any suggestions against Delirium I am all ears, because so far I just hang on by keeping their Husks tapped and trying to aggro win with fliers. But I usually die from indirect damage before that happens.
W/B Control: 70/30 win ratio
Esper Control: 60/40 win ratio
Delirium: 70/30 lose ratio
Also, thats for the title correction Prometheus2492, i didn't even notice lol