MTG Combo: Notion Thief + Whispering Madness


thom-le on Circu, Dimir Lobotomist

5 years ago

Nosema You wrote: "Hey, Thank you so much for responding. It was really helpful and I am close to finishing the deck but I REALLY like the idea of the Duskmantle Guildmage and Mindcrank combo. I was wondering whats the best way to trigger that. like the cheapest/easiest way for your opponents to all discard a card? Also do you try to play both at the same time or play 1 and then the other and risk it being destroyed? Thanks again!"

One strategy is to improve the mill technique. If you are playing different Counterspells than Didn't Say Please, Thought Collapse, Psychic Strike could be possible additions. Maybe consider Psychic Corrosion, Memory Erosion or Jace's Erasure, but I think those Enchantments are not in the theme of the deck.. Grisly Spectacle is better as a removal with mill, Jace's Archivist helps also the Notion Thief + Whispering Madness -combo. Pilfered Plans is card draw with mill.. so you have a nice pool of cards to choose from.

Another way is to get the Discard-Theme. Very annoying but also very effective. You still may play Windfall, Dark Deal and all those cards with such an effect. Painful Quandary is awesome but creates hate. A special combo could be High Market + Howltooth Hollow + Mindslicer if you are going deeper and deeper in the theme. Bottomless Pit, Oppression are fantastic cards. Bloodchief Ascension is so good for gaining life in the discard strategy, just think of this one.

In my opinion you play both cards, but you need some Counterspells in your hand. And you should have enough mana available..

thom-le on Circu's Field of Dreams (Lantern) [Primer]

5 years ago

FaiberJC Thank you, I really appreciate your comment. I would definitely go into the Wizard-tribal. In the section "Strategies" are already some ideas on how to play with wizards. Think of Naban, Dean of Iteration as a trigger for a additional effects.

The thing I'd work on is more on the Notion Thief + Whispering Madness -combo, working also with many other cards (Windfall, Day's Undoing, Teferi's Puzzle Box,...). Therefor think of Waste Not, Bone Miser or Words of Waste. Winning is possible with the Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank -combo.

thom-le on Circu, Dimir Lobotomist

5 years ago

Hello, thanks for your interest in my deckbuilding of Circu Circu's Field of Dreams (Lantern) [Primer]. To your question: Basically yes, the combo Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter , but I'm unsatisfied with this win condition. While playing the deck one of the problems is the board presence and also some hate coming from other players for taxing their stuff. Nevertheless I'd keep the Isochron Scepter-combo in as addition. With this artifact you can also imprint other important spells like Mystical Tutor, Reality Shift and also Cabal Ritual so this card is doing well. I don't like to depend so much on one win condition, so I'm going on for some rebuild.

Unfortunately I have not found yet time to give the deck an update. I'm going to cut for sure Archfiend of Depravity (to less interactions, no protection at all), Wizened Snitches (4 CMC is too much), Meekstone (No cards to tap other creatures). I also question the amount of Counterspells in the deck, guess those cards are not so important. Surprisingly well performed so far has Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver.

The thing I'd work on is more on the Notion Thief + Whispering Madness -combo, working also with many other cards (Windfall, Day's Undoing, Teferi's Puzzle Box,...). Therefor think of Waste Not, Bone Miser or Words of Waste. Winning is possible with the Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank -combo. Another card could be Twilight Prophet for some life gain..

From the actual new cards from Theros Beyond Death I'd think of Wavebreak Hippocamp for card draw, Nadir Kraken for additonal board presence.