MTG Combo: Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Voyaging Satyr

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WhyReadThis on Monogreen Hydra

8 years ago

Snap157 Thanks for the ideas! I think I'll keep Voyaging Satyr for the Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Voyaging Satyr combo which can get you lots of mana fast. Karametra's Acolyte seems pretty good I might add a copy or two of that for getting some big hydras out. I might replace one or two of my Kalonian Hydra for Heroes' Bane because I need to cut the cost. Predator's Rapport sounds pretty fun too.

Mandalorian on get a load of that wurm

8 years ago

Life gain is very rarely a good win con unless you can combo to infinite life. Life gain should always be an added bonus to cards but not really the reason you play them. Cards like Siege Rhino have life gain which is nice but is not the only reason you play it. You play it because its a 4/5 for 4 with Trample which is good in itself. This is why cards like Stream of Life and Congregate are not very good. The only thing life gain will get you is stalling. People have ultimated Ajani, Mentor of Heroes and still lost because their opponent was just beating face every turn.

Some cards you could replace the life gain cards with could be:

Armada Wurm

Enlisted Wurm

Genesis Hydra

Loxodon Smiter

Wilt-Leaf Liege

Gaea's Revenge

Sigarda, Host of Herons is a bit out of budget but its a very hard to handle creature that can win games by itself if you can afford it.

The changes I would make are here say hello to my big friend copy. Note that I added more lands since only the most aggressive decks can afford to run 20 or less lands. I added more ramp elements to help get your big creatures out faster with cards like Explosive Vegetation and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Voyaging Satyr which is a sweet ramp combination when you can tap for devotion twice in one turn. The deck also has more cards with 4 copies. This will make your deck more consistent since your percentage of drawing each card increases. Last I will note some of the big value cards being Enlisted Wurm and Genesis Hydra since even if they are countered their casting trigger will still resolve and you will get 2 creatures for casting 1 if it resolves. The value can be pretty huge when you play Enlisted Wurm and get a Loxodon Smiter or Polukranos, World Eater for free.

If you really, really, want to go with the life gain plan then just make sure you are playing cards that are helpful in other ways than just gaining life. Those cards could be stuff like:

Pelakka Wurm

Rhox Faithmender

Loxodon Hierarch

Thoughts on my suggestions? Questions? I hope this helps!