MTG Combo: Painter's Servant + Sphinx's Tutelage

  1. Resolve Painter's Servant naming a color of your choice.
  2. Resolve and activate Sphinx's Tutelage.
  3. Since all of you opponent's cards are the chosen color, their entire deck will go to their graveyard.

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Chasmolinker on

6 years ago

Hello again Flooremoji!
Painter's Servant + Sphinx's Tutelage seems like a cool combo. Might need to build a dedicated deck for that one with Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank to boot.

Chasm Skulker has always been a pet card of mine since M15. Tarmogoyf would certainly fit the bill. I could see cutting Birds of Paradise and Lorescale Coatl or a playset of Goyfs .

_SouLLeSS_ on Back to the Mill

8 years ago

the combo with Painter's Servant + Sphinx's Tutelage wont work because the sphinx still stops at lands

Scouty on First U/B Mill Deck

8 years ago

Painter's Servant + Sphinx's Tutelage is a solid combination as well, if you wanna go multi-combo mill. It's not perfectly infinite, but it'll crank out a lot of cards in a few turns. Again though, it's expensive since Servant is nearing 30$ as of late...

Magic is hard on your wallet.. Trust the guy who owns playsets of all three printings of Tarmogoyf, Tarmogoyf, and Tarmogoyf

N3XT on

9 years ago

@Nedess, I can't explain Riddlekeeper, but Painter's Servant + Sphinx's Tutelage can killsomeone on the spot if they dont hit 2 lands, and Mindcrank goes infinite with Duskmantle Guildmage.

Guftders on Help with a modern mill …

9 years ago

Actually Imma make this deck myself... Painter's Servant + Sphinx's Tutelage is basically a modern legal version of Grindstone + Painter's Servant