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Gamerjfire on ☯ It was so Nice, I did it Twice~ ☯
9 years ago
Just as a note with Palinchron + Riku of Two Reflections you only need 7 lands, as you can stack the order so that....
You untap your lands, and your Palinchron is still entering the battlefield. (total 7 untapped lands, 0 floating mana)
Use Riku of Two Reflections to make another Palinchron token fly in. (5 untapped lands (assuming 1 mana per land); 0 floating)
This leaves 5 open lands, and the token Palinchron incoming. You float the 5 mana. (0 untapped, 5 floating).
Token Palinchron comes in and untaps 7 lands again.(7 untapped, 5 floating)
From here you go infinite by adding on....
Use 4 of the floating to bounce the REAL Palinchron back to hand (bouncing the token would be a bad mistake.....) (7 untapped 1 floating)
You are back to where you started before you cast Palinchron, with 1 bonus floating mana.
I only know this because I just started to build a deck with Riku and was looking up what kind of combos could work with him. If I am completely wrong please tell me, but I think you can stack the triggers as such.
iLikeDirt on ☯ It was so Nice, I did it Twice~ ☯
9 years ago
I could see the logic there lordmalphas, I think I would keep BSZ though because it doubles as a win condition with the Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron /Palinchron + Riku of Two Reflections package. What I really want is to pick up like 3-4 more cards (Mox Diamond, Mana Crypt, Mana Drain, and MAYBE Chrome Mox) and upgrade some of my mana rocks like Darksteel Ingot and kind of be done for the most part. I could see Twin as a replacement for the time being until then.