MTG Combo: Panoptic Mirror + Worst Fears

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jonny909090 on Your worst fears are coming (Turn 4)

8 years ago

Door to nothing was something I added after the fact. The main idea is Panoptic Mirror + Worst Fears and Bribery + Panoptic Mirror . I realized that since I was creating so much mana I might as well add a second win condition. I could also do Helix Pinnacle with the shear amount of mana this deck can produce. I was also thinking that Villainous Wealth would be evil once you have 40 or so mana to spend. I think I am going to make that into a deck at some point.

Polupus on Mono Black Tron

8 years ago

love the Panoptic Mirror + Worst Fears combo as an alternative to Mindslaver!

how about Beacon of Unrest to recur your Expedition Map and creatures? or opponent's creatures?