MTG Combo: Pariah + Stuffy Doll

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Crow_Umbra on [retired] Back That Mazz Up

2 years ago

Thank you for the great suggestions Mountainmammoth, I really like them.

Forgeborn Oreads is one of the cards I feel the most iffy about at the moment. It's a more expensive and removal-vulnerable Impact Tremors. I might just swap it out for Fire Whip. The Pariah + Stuffy Doll combo could be a lot of fun here. The deck runs relevant tutors to fetch both.

I'm hoping to get some games in with friends in the next week or two. I have the deck built in paper, but have mostly just been gold-fishing it. This deck is a repurposed Tuvasa the Sunlit that I played for a couple of years. I have a general feeling for most of the nuts and bolts pieces, as it was one of my first favorite commanders.

KingKilvas on

2 years ago

First off, I wanted to say kudos to you for making a deck promoting peace and the people of Ukraine. Good on you.

Now for deckbuilding stuff. It's a little sad you don't have the means to actually achieve happily ever after. Maybe a few cards that allow you to temporarily change the colors of permanents, or one of the couple cards that are all colors could help.

While it's not super on theme, you could try some combos like Pariah + Stuffy Doll targeting yourself, Platinum Angel + Transcendence , Arbiter of Knollridge + Celestial Convergence , or Ajani's Chosen + Enchanted Evening , all of which create states in the game that force a draw.

Rurara_Rahura on Diplomatic Immunity

4 years ago

Really the only reason I don't run Ghostly Prison is that my turn 3 is reserved for either setting Blasting Station or removing a threat with either Declaration in Stone or Oblivion Ring .

Ideally Providence will not be cast at all but can grant me the extra 6 life from the opening. Often I exile it for Gemstone Caverns directly after gaining the life. In the games where I do cast it I usually have Pariah + Stuffy Doll ready to draw the game; this would be the situation where I could play Approach of the Second Sun and I can play for this specifically if my opponent is trying very hard not to draw the game.

Chasmolinker on

6 years ago

I've done the Alms Beast + Tainted Remedy thing before. Threw in Pariah + Stuffy Doll as well. That deck was fun.

Jaytotheareokay on Stealing Storm?

6 years ago

Pariah + Stuffy Doll kind of. Its kind of a build around so it depends on exactly how much shit this particular storm player was talking.

Rurara_Rahura on Diplomatic Immunity

6 years ago

Interestingly, If you start the game with Providence then burn is a non-issue.

If you don't have Providence in hand to start then you can try for Pariah + Stuffy Doll to make a burn strategy ineffective.

In any other case, the burn-opponent will need to win by turn 5 or 4 which is very difficult.

Rurara_Rahura on Diplomatic Immunity

7 years ago

Thanks MrSilk, I'm glad someone is having as good a time as I do with this deck.

Your alterations are all great. The main reason my version is composed this way is mostly due to the time that I chose to build it. Then, Beseech the Queen was a little difficult to get my hands on because it hadn't yet been reprinted. On top of that, the only reason I'm not running Fiend Hunter + Reveillark is because they didn't exist until several months later.

I originally had three Scour in the deck but I moved them to the sideboard and eventually they fell out of rotation. Since I picked up the Snow-covered basic lands though, I may sneak it back in. Basically, the deck plays a very hard game and I was getting a lot of guff for gutting people's decks.

I'm sure the reason people are not as threatened by Ajani's Chosen + Enchanted Evening is because they've forgotten the horror that is the Shadowmoore block, lol.

Pariah + Stuffy Doll is meant as a back-up. I can only think of one game I've played that it was absolutely necessary, wherein a player removed all my Enchanted Evenings from the game. So Stuffy Doll threatened a draw until I could find three Oblivion Ring to manually kill them. My Stuffy Doll plays are often on turn 5 when I don't have Enchanted Evening.~~~~~

In regard to your questions:1, There are exactly 33% lands in the deck. This is for my comfort mostly, but if you're using the deck in an online game then that may be the issue. Most shuffling algorithms will shuffle far better than we might by hand so the land-to-non-land ratio can get sidelined. I can't guarantee that this will fix it, but you can try to pair down the following cards to three copies each: Stuffy Doll, Echoing Calm, Oblivion Ring, Pariah. If your composition is still similar to my version then that would give you about 40% lands, which I consider to be "flooded" lol.

If you're not using it online then the above suggestion could still work, but I would just spend some extra time shuffling between games.

2, The best opening hand in my opinion is:Angel's Grace (or Providence), Blasting Station, Pariah, Ajani's Chosen, two Plains and a Swamp. With this composition you have an equal probability (7% + 0.2% per card drawn) to draw into either Stuffy Doll or Enchanted Evening.

During the game you only have two options every turn. Either A, Continue with your own plan and get closer to finishing the combo you want; or B, Disrupt your opponent's plan by removing one of their important permanents. If you are doing either of these things then you're on the right track, but don't get discouraged if you have to keep spending your turns on dealing with your opponent because the more turns you spend the higher probability that your winning draw is on the next turn.

On turn 5, if you don't have a complete combo (given the opening hand in this example) then you should have just under 20% probability to draw what you need and anything you draw that isn't part of the combo can be used to control the field, save your lifepoints, or tutor for the missing piece.

Beyond turn 5 your focus should be on disrupting your opponent. So hold on to Angel's Grace as long as possible and concentrate on removing threats. Do not hesitate to throw Pariah on one of your opponent's creatures if you're in the shit. That one enchantment has saved me more times than any other card in the deck!

In the future I'm going to improve this build with a set of Inquisition of Kozilek for sharper removal. So use those if you have a few copies and your first three turns should be very comfortable.

WacoCatbox on Infinite Death

8 years ago

The hydra requires the boots to make it hasty and to protect it. I personally have lost too many games with my combo decks by casting creatures that get countered, exiled, destroyed, wiped. I would eliminate the hydra. The rest of the deck doesn't make a ton of mana to make it worth it without the infinite combo (casting little hydras just to survive is demoralizing). I recommend Commune with the Gods and Devil's Play. You can use a Devil's Play from the graveyard (sent there by the commune that helped you get your creature for the combo). The Pariah + Stuffy Doll protection combo will be too slow I think, plus it makes you splash white (needing expensive Flooded Strands :p)
Also the Asceticism is rather expensive in mana and dollars. I've saved more combos with Negate than anything. Also consider Commune with Nature if you want to go more green or Taigam's Scheming if you want to go more blue (and if you do, I would definitely use Muddle the Mixture)