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Duffzord on Advertise your LEGACY deck!
8 years ago
Oh, this thread is so nice! How come I've never seen it before? haha
So, my deck is a Rogue deck as it is called by my playgroup, but it is effective in a sense where it has a virtual chance of defeating every Tier 1 deck!
It is basically an U/B Shell with a Phyrexian Dreadnought + Stifle combo with a few variations, like replacing Torpor Orb which would certainly fit this build for the unusual Eldrazi Mimic who can provide another body on the field and also serve as a win-con as well as a combo piece, because you can either set it up to become a 12/12 and hit for the win or you can sac it to keep your Dreadnought on the field.
Here it is: Stiflenought Mimic Gimmick (Feedback and criticism is very welcome and appreciated)
Here are the results from the last league I played using this list: CLM#8 League: UB Mimic Stiflenought - 9th Place
These results were good to me because it was my first ever League and because I was able to play and also defeat some of the best decks in the format! The field was very aggressive and filled with Tier 1 decks only like Lands, Grixis Delver, Shardless BUG, Reanimator, Belcher, Elves, etc. Considering I don't even own any Dual Lands, I think I did very well for the first time!