MTG Combo: Prismatic Omen + Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle


masada631 on

9 years ago

Happymaster19, a clarification on the Prismatic Omen + Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle ruling: what the Omen used to do in old Scapeshift decks is make it possible to win with 6 lands instead of 8. You would sacrifice 6 lands, search for 4 of anything and 2 Valakuts. This would count as 6 mountains ETBing, resulting in 6x2=12 Valakut triggers and 36 damage to the opponent's face.

Dropping an Omen if you have 7 lands on the battlefield and 1 valakut, as TheLivingCME said, won't make any of the lands enter the battlefield, since they were already there. All lands will just become mountains. So no triggers will result. Any further land you play, however, will count as a mountain and trigger Valakut. This means playing a fetch and then cracking it will give you 2 triggers.

Hope that helps. Awesome deck! +1 from me :)