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Zerpha on
8 years ago
@Zaueski: Thanks for the comment!
It definitely does fit in here - in fact, I already pre-ordered a playset of Rattlechains and put them into my deck. I have yet to update the list here. It's a nice aggressive beater with evasion that can be enchanted with some auras when taking the risky route. And more importantly, he works very nicely with both Kami of False Hope + Rattlechains for a surprise Holy Day as well as Rattlechains + Topplegeist (which can replace the previous Lantern Kami), or to trigger a surprise EoT aura tutor with Tallowisp.
Not a fan of Ordeal of Heliod
, as this deck has barely any lifegain and so Sunbond would often be a dead card.
Likewise, even if I manage to get both auras on a creature, I wouldn't have means to gain life to trigger Sunbond and in turn the ordeal when attacking, so I'll also have to keep the ordeal across three turns to gather the counters in order to bank in on the combo.
Sunbond is also quite expensive. My other four mana spells do considerably more, usually right the moment they are cast, so unless I come up with a whole different decklist based around lifegain, neither of these will be a choice I'm afraid.
Also, regarding two-aura-combos that are fetchable with Tallowisp, Arcanum Wings
Eldrazi Conscription
makes for a cheaper and faster finisher. Admittedly though, Eldrazi Conscription is even more of a dead card without Arcanum Wings, as Sunbond could at least be put to use with Shining Shoal :P