MTG Combo: Reality Spasm + Reiterate


Bigant1 on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

5 years ago

This is a Mizzix deck. Its main win-con is Reality Spasm + Reiterate to get infinite mana with and then cast Fall of the Titans many times. It also wins by storming off. I also have High Tide to help my combo go off or help with storm. I use Firemind's Foresight , Merchant Scroll , Mystical Tutor , and Invert / Invent to tutor for the combo. I also have some storm cards.

The Immaculate Mizzix's Experiment

Commander / EDH* Bigant1


I just saw Muddle the Mixture and it looked like it would be good in my deck, but the only thing I could see that I could potentially cut is Spell Burst . So, what do you guys think Spell Burst or Muddle the Mixture ? Or should I cut something else for Muddle the Mixture

I also just cut Thought Vessel for Helm of Awakening , what do you guys think of this cut?

DrkNinja on

6 years ago

Warrens was too inconsistent because my creatures never survived a turn around my 5 man pod. Ignite memories is just so solid because you can change your targets depending on cards in their hand. Also gives you good knowledge of opponents'hand and does a shit ton of damage with the Reality Spasm + Reiterate combo which I think is a must for Mizzix decks

DrkNinja on [[Primer]] Knowledge & Flame

6 years ago

@enpc: Bro don't hate on my genderbender Mizzix/Ez cosplay! jk. I actually didn't know Mizzix was a female, in fact I didn't know there were any female goblins... anywho.

Stuffy Doll and Rite Of Replication is a meta thing, I play against a pretty competitive Dragon, Avacyn, Ezuri deck that I can usually replicate, and stuffy doll is a great blocker and great in politics.

You are right about the lands... it's just the deck is so expensive as is... so...

Mystic Confluence was in the deck but I cut it for something... don't remember what...

As far as Firemind's Foresight goes it's just to tutor up the infinite mana combo with Reality Spasm + Reiterate /Desperate Ritual(for some reason isn't in the deck on T/O

I really like Turn//Burn I think I'll add it... I also am thinking about Merchant Scroll

Anyways what do you think about the new cards listed in the maybeboard?

purpleganja on The Physics of Mizzix

8 years ago

So many good options with this commander, he is AWESOME.

Thanks for the inspiration from many cards on your list, mostly the proliferate cards witch i totally forgot about.

Im not sure what to remove to add other cards since maybe i don't get the synergy right but, heres some old combos i play that are just made very easier with experience cost reduction:

Reiterate + Seething Song for unbound red mana.

Reiterate + Turnabout or Reality Spasm + Reiterate for unbound mana of any color.

Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication maybe its too broken lol. Anyways i only use this combo if they happen to be there at the same time in my hands, they both are very good by themselves.

Capsize + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Treachery (need to make 8 mana out of 5 lands with 4 experience) for unbound mana and unbound bounce ;no more lands or any targetable permanents for all your opponents is pretty much a win. Just be careful about sacrifices that could fizzle you spells.

Mind Over Matter + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Whispers of the Muse with enough devotion and experience can allow you to make a lot of mana and draw a lot of cards. That goes without saying that Mind Over Matter is a very versatile card when you have a bunch of draw spells as it transforms all cards in hand into MANA(mostly) or attack prevention or anti-blocker or utility reactivation and good devotion to blue.