MTG Combo: Reiterate + Turnabout


Hjaltrohir on Riku Goodstuff

8 years ago

greyninja I will add Caged Sun to the maybeboard. Further testing is required! Temur Sabertooth is also still in consideration.

Hipparchos I'm not sure i understand Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication . While Reiterate + Turnabout may indeed give infinite mana, the cards are only useful (really) in the combo. What i want for this deck is to function as well as possible without the combos, they are just extra. Hence Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker but no Splinter Twin.

Hipparchos on Riku Goodstuff

8 years ago

Another combo to make infinte mana is Reiterate + Turnabout , also Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication for infinite creatures w/o haste.

CabyZero on UR Mizzix Infinite combo||The Final Form of Mizzix

8 years ago

Hello NobleRooster! With Reiterate + Turnabout and enough XPcounter on mizzix or simply just enough land :

  • exemple '-> 3XP counter on mizzix, 7 lands. You tap all your lands, you have 7 mana in your mana pool. THen you cast Turnabout for 2, it doesn't resolve cause you copy it with reiterate for 3(with the buypack cost), 2 mana are not use. Reiterate resolve then you get your 7 lands untap and reiterate go in your hand. Turnabout still doesn't resolve , you tap 7 lands.. and you do this forever.

Ps: sorry for my poor english

purpleganja on The Physics of Mizzix

8 years ago

So many good options with this commander, he is AWESOME.

Thanks for the inspiration from many cards on your list, mostly the proliferate cards witch i totally forgot about.

Im not sure what to remove to add other cards since maybe i don't get the synergy right but, heres some old combos i play that are just made very easier with experience cost reduction:

Reiterate + Seething Song for unbound red mana.

Reiterate + Turnabout or Reality Spasm + Reiterate for unbound mana of any color.

Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication maybe its too broken lol. Anyways i only use this combo if they happen to be there at the same time in my hands, they both are very good by themselves.

Capsize + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Treachery (need to make 8 mana out of 5 lands with 4 experience) for unbound mana and unbound bounce ;no more lands or any targetable permanents for all your opponents is pretty much a win. Just be careful about sacrifices that could fizzle you spells.

Mind Over Matter + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Whispers of the Muse with enough devotion and experience can allow you to make a lot of mana and draw a lot of cards. That goes without saying that Mind Over Matter is a very versatile card when you have a bunch of draw spells as it transforms all cards in hand into MANA(mostly) or attack prevention or anti-blocker or utility reactivation and good devotion to blue.