MTG Combo: Rift Bolt + Worldfire

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Naosu on Worldfire Combo (Turn 4 Win - 95$)

8 years ago

Hi Minelia5 and thank for the Upvote !

Actually you every-time need a Rift Bolt suspended to kill.

Rift Bolt + Spellweaver Helix + Worldfire it's the kill condition but you don't need to exile Rift Bolt with Spellweaver Helix, you could exile Mystic Speculation, Faithless Looting, Peek, Thought Scour, Sleight of Hand, etc...

As Worldfire and another spell is exiled by the Spellweaver Helix and the other spell is cast or Flashback, you choose the order which spells exiled by the Spellweaver Helix are cast, then you just has to wait for the Rift Bolt resolve.

I admit that in the best case, it's best to wait to exile Rift Bolt + Worldfire , is guaranteed good flawless execusion