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Sergal on
Tokens?? What a Junk Deck
8 years ago
Hey Apakakuta and TeamSDBags. Sure, I will go over matchups! I've played the deck extensively against A LOT of meta. Here goes!
Jund: How's the June matchup? Its' s about 50/50. It really comes down to who draws the best. We both have optimal removal and threats along with disruption.
TitanShift: Not good. Combo is not your friend with this deck. We don't really have any ways to interact with spell casting, so non-creature based combos like Scapeshift + Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle Will wreck us.
Skred Red: Bad. This deck is showing up more and more at my LGS because of the recent win at GP Dallas. I lose to it frequently. It's just... It's just... ehhh
Tron: another 50/50. It depends on how much removal I have for the first couple turns. This deck can out grind from if it gets played right. Definitely not a favorable matchup, but not unwinnable.
Burn: This is my best matchup. You just win frequently. I'd say it is 70/30 even on a Milligan to 6. This deck has lifegain options in the main deck and removal to out temp burn. The matchup just gets better post-board too because they generally won't have options to handle us other than maybe Skullcrack.
Affinity: This is another very favorable matchup. Lingering Souls does work against affinity. Plus Stony Silence out of the board is hard for affinity to play around when battling fliers. They just lose.
Elves/ Merfolk: Decent matchup but more in our favor. They play like slower but harder to manage affinity decks. They want lots of things fast and have a lot of synergy, but generally I find myself out grinding these decks. We have too many "creatures" for blocking and trading, and definitely better removal.
Hope all of this helps guys. This is just my analysis of the majority of the meta at my LGS.