MTG Combo: Shrieking Affliction + The Rack

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Hobbez9186 on Ixalan Discard

7 years ago

Hey, just taking a look and reading through your comments I like the addition of graveyard hate for those kinds of decks that want to replay things via Abandoned Sarcophagus, God-Pharaoh's Gift, and Torrential Gearhulk. I also like the idea of Raiders' Wake instead of Cruel Reality. It's less mana which is nice and it synergizes so well with the discarding, especially the Scarabs as has been pointed out. I run two in my sideboard that are supported by a few creatures like Kitesail Freebooter to trigger the Raid. I used to run Cruel Reality in the main board but honestly it just didn't accelerate the board. If you got it and it helped you win you were probably already going to win from Scarabs or a Hailfire prior to that, and early on it's a dead card at 7 mana. I love the effect, but it just helps you "win harder" not "win more often". Raiders Wake also is amazing against Cycling and other Looting effects and Standard is littered with that right now.

The comment about Midnight Oil made me laugh. I was so mad that it isn't possible in Standard, but I just finished a Modern deck that uses Midnight Oil and Harmless Offering along with 8-Rack (Shrieking Affliction + The Rack ) to be able to turn 1 hand disruption, turn 2 Liliana's Caress, turn 3 hand disruption and The Rack, turn 4 Midnight Oil, turn 5 Harmless Offering and Vampire Hexmage to eat the counters off of the Oil and pass to your opponent with 0 counters already. It's messy and clunky, but super hilarious. They die while discarding and starting every turn with 0 cards in hand.

Anyway, good luck with your build. Gotta love mono black discard ;)

Serra_Sentinel on Wasted

8 years ago

Shrieking Affliction + The Rack punish empty hands. But, you'd need a way to stop them from attacking, which can be found in Ghostly Prison (though, it is white, but, doesn't die to Korea Command) or Ensnaring Bridge (which is expensive). You could splash white for better removal and Wrath effects to stop aggressive strategies, as well as slowing effects that stop attackers while you destroy their hands. Just remember, even if you're also empty handed, Noble Hierarch and Birds can attack with Exalted triggers under the bridge. Another thing of note, while they are expensive, Dark Confidant would be an amazing source of card advantage, which is what most people play it for in 8 Rack. You could also test out Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip.