MTG Combo: Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder


clayperce on A Thousand Reflections, A Thousand Damage

6 years ago

LOVE this!

I spent a ton of time trying to break Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder when they were in Standard, and it just was never quite there. So it's awesome to see Zada and Mirrorwing tearing it up in Modern!

I personally like Blossoming Defense over Vines of Vastwood in this deck. Vines is better in Infect, because the extra two points of damage can make all the difference in the world. Maybe in the side though, for matchups when the team needs a little more protection? It also has the really fun edge cases where you can cast it on an opponent's creature so they can't pump/Equip/etc their team :-)

I found myself wanting something for boardwipes, and also something besides Mirrorwing for Flyers ... maybe some Heroic Intervention and Vines of the Recluse (or maybe Arbor Armament) in the sideboard?

Draw well!

clayperce on Zada and Mirrorwing

8 years ago

I had never really noticed that about my buff spells but you're totally right. I think it's left over from trying to run Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder in a world full of Languish. Really, the only way to make it work at all was One Big Turn, storming off with something like T7: Zada, Hedron Grinder, Rush of Adrenaline, Expedite, Might of the Masses.

So, I've been trying some higher-CMC buff spells, and as you might expect, the results are very nice. Thanks much!

P.S. I think you mean Brute Strength :-)

Yashima on All things Wolven

8 years ago

I've never seen anyone use Second Harvest with the Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder combo, (or Mirrorwing Dragon )I'll test it later and see how well it works, sounds like a way to double a ton of tokens.

Yashima on All things Wolven

8 years ago

So, after looking through 'Take The Crown' there were 7 reprinted cards and a single new wolf creature card that caught my eye as being possibly useful for wolven decks.

Fang Of the pack The only new wolf creature in the set.

Irresistible Prey Using this to trigger a Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder combo could be really strong.

Burn Away Good sideboard card for any deck really, end's delirium decks on the spot.

Gruul War Chant Maybe a good late game sweeper card if you can get a few strong flipped wolve's out.

Beast Within Imagine turning a freshly summoned Emrakul, the Promised End into a 3/3 beast. sound good for a sideboard.

Flame Slash Cheap Removal.

Lace with Moonglove Looks really damn good with Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder , Giving your whole board deathtouch and spawning token's.

Berserk Another great card for the combo, Wipe out everything with Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder

If anything else from the set stands out to you please share :)

clayperce on All things Wolven

8 years ago

Oh wow, we got a better Zada!

Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder was just too fragile for my tastes. But with the addition of a bigger-badder Zada Mirrorwing Dragon, we may actually have a viable deck!


Rigol on Moonlit Ambush!

8 years ago

Sorry, but Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder Doesn't work

clayperce on All things Wolven

8 years ago

I would love to see a reprint ... something like Wild Defiance might be just the thing to make the Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder combo viable! ;-)

clayperce on What happened to the combo's

8 years ago

My $0.02:

I love the feature; it's a great way to see where other folks have found card synergies.

Not sure what the right term is ... there's a wide grey area between 'cards that play well together' and 'infinite combo'

I frankly think the bar for combo entry is pretty good ... the syntax is easy but not obvious, and im good with allowing someone who's taken the time to actually read the Formatting Tips page to tell T/O their thoughts on Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder , or whatever :-D