MTG Combo: Sol Ring + Strionic Resonator


Lazaro46 on Brago Flicker-Flight

8 years ago

Hey, I saw your post on reddit!I myself have a Brago, King Eternal deck that I have put a lot of effort on. It's not perfect, but I win games here and there.

Take a look at it for cards that may interest you: EDH - Brago, Blink Eternal

Overall, your deck is lacking lands. You still need lands, regardless if you are running mana rocks or not. Check a couple of youtube videos on manafixing for 2-color EDH decks. I can link you to one in a private message.

Also, something I have learnt after playing a lot with our commander... he is hated. People will inmediatly try yo get rid of him.This means two things.

One, you need ways to protect him both from targeted removal and board wipes. I see you have some stuff already, but consider Cloudshift, Essence Flux, Long Road Home and Faith's Reward.

Two, you cannot depend on him to be in play. Think of him as an extra. Because of this, you need other ways to blink. Venser, the Sojourner, Eldrazi Displacer, Deadeye Navigator, and other blink spells are my advice. These last two go very well with your Peregrine Drake for infinite mana too. Also related to this! I recommend removing cards that are only good with Brago, King Eternal in play... such as Act of Authority .

Finally, and what shocked me the most... no Strionic Resonator? That enables the infinite combo that wins you the game. You just need enough mana rocks to give you 2+ mana, and a win con, like Venser, Shaper Savant, Thought-Knot Seer, Reality Acid, Nevermaker, etc.Hit with Brago, King Eternal, then copy his trigger with Sol Ring + Strionic Resonator , flicker them together with a win con, and then copy the original trigger again. Infinetely! You can also use Peregrine Drake instead of the mana rocks!

Mendess666 on Brago Bounce

8 years ago

I didn't know about the Sol Ring + Strionic Resonator combo, holy shit that's good! Cyclonic is already in the deck and I hadn't thought about the Render Silent lock and I have 3 in my collection. I also have Cloudform so thanks so much for this comment!

GS10 on Brago Bounce

8 years ago

Crystal Shard seems awfully inexpensive. Once you play it once people will know how to play around it so I never really found it useful. It's true utility is bouncing a target you control to your own hand and you can only do it once, so it seems narrow.

Have a look into my deck, I hope my insights are of some help to you ;) +1 given

Dead Ghost Resurrection

Commander / EDH GS10


Flagellum on Trying to choose a new …

8 years ago

capriom85 I'm in the same boat. I love Brago but if he isn't faster than other control decks he tends to get shut down. That and people generally don't like the grindy stax route that I took. He is still fun...for me lol.

ComradeJim270 Brago forms an infinite combo with numerous things and you HAVE to understand how to work the stack. Sol Ring + Strionic Resonator allows you to copy Brago's blink trigger infinite times. The Resonator is Brago's best friend. Like I said earlier, with Cloudform/Lightform you can play your entire deck for free, of if you have another mana rock, Peregrine Drake/Cloud of Faeries, =infinite mana. That's just a slice of what he can do. Abusing the stack with Resonator and Oblivion Ring you can permanently exile threats.