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Made_Compleat on
Davros, Dragon's Approach
1 year ago
Rasaru, for the purposes of your Spellweaver Helix + Worldfire combo, have you considered Final Parting? It sets everything up perfectly by giving you Spellweaver Helix and dumping Worldfire in the graveyard.
Also, Azoth2099, that's a really cool take on a more graveyard-focused Dragon's Approach deck. I have my own version of this deck Daleks & Dragons [[Davros EDH]] and you've inspired me to add Kess, Dissident Mage. While I don't think I can maintain my deck while pivoting strategies as you've described, I really want to see how you would make a more graveyard focused Approach deck with Kess or maybe Inalla, Archmage Ritualist. If you build that deck, please show me!
Naosu on
Let's See The World Turned into Fire This Friday !
8 years ago
Thanks for you'r comment SwaggyMcSwagglepants !!!
Worldfire cannot been supose to be hardcast in this list.
The combo Spellweaver Helix + Worldfire is the main wincon of the deck
Most of the test i made, the opponent get killed on turn 4 (sometime turn 3)
In this case i need a second wincon for the sideboard, cause the opponent in the second game sure gonna side cards who cut my main combo