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Icbrgr on
Venser: Wishful Blinking
7 years ago
@Lowenstein I own this deck in paper and MOST decks in my meta are creature-heavy aggro based decks. Wall of Omens does a great job slowing them down in the early game and Stonehorn Dignitary + Venser, the Sojourner shuts them down from attacking altogether. With help from Coiling Oracle this combo goes online as early as T4.
To protect this combo I use Eerie Interlude to "counter target/mass creature removal." Wishing for Privileged Position/Sigarda, Heron's Grace/Dovescape is the long term plan for noncreature protection. thats why mainboarding Disallow isnt ideal for me because im more interested in the situational aspect of countering an activated/triggered ability than a counterspell in general... Glittering Wish/whishboard is more about Game 2 to tutor for an answer/tool to shut down the opponents Win condition and or shut down their answer to disrupting my combo. so thats why i opted for Voidslime.
Path to Exile is a great card but i have a hard time justifying it in here due to this decks effectiveness/consistency of shutting down the creature game. the opponent can theoretically use Through the Breach to cheat in Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and it straight up doesnt matter with a turn 3 or 4 Stonehorn Dignitary play. I use Detention Sphere as my hasty removal or even better Venser, the Sojourner + Reality Acid to have the opponent sac targetable permanents for every blink activation.... if need be wishing for Supreme Verdict is an option.