MTG Combo: Stromkirk Captain + Vampire Nighthawk

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Xica on Vampire Aggro-ish

9 years ago

Add Shadow Alley Denizen, as in any mono black vampire aggro strategy he can give you the reach to win. If you want to play this as aggro you should really stick to a low curve (to play as much creature as early as possible. Some good cheap ass vampires you should consider:
-Ruthless Cullblade
-Bloodthrone Vampire
-Pulse Tracker maybe? - after all this one is not that great, but not that bad either, even if gets blocked it hits for 1.

Consider Bump in the Night - if your really plan on winning with aggro (if you plan to splash some red it can help in some grindy matchups if your enemy lacks controll), and its also a great help when you plan to bring your opponent under 10 life.

However if you were to wander away from the aggro route i would suggest adding Stromkirk Captain as it enables your creatures to chumpblock fatties and come out alive (not even mentioning Stromkirk Captain + Vampire Nighthawk first strike & deathtouch is no joke). Also in a more midrange setup Lord of Lineage  Flip gives a lot more value than Vampire Nocturnus.