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Leeching Cotton: Oloro's Couch
8 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
- yeah, any 'destroy all enchantments' spell sucks, if I don't counter it.
- I often encounter decks with lifegain as a sub-theme. Tainted Remedy renders most lifegain effects useless and severly cripples creatures with lifelink. I think it is worth it. Let's just call it the Tainted Remedy + Triskaidekaphobia combo ;-)
- Erebos, God of the Dead is superior in most decks, but with all the generic creature hate I have in this one, it's not that good. Greed is one of the few 'card advantage' cards that I'm not considering replacing, since it has almost no drawbacks, and (in my opponets eyes) it looks like a medicore card that won't draw a destroy/exile effect.
- Leyline of the Void was in an earlier version of the deck, but I took it out to make room for other things and to lower ACMC. I would like to have some Rest in Peace redundancy, and the upside, as you mentioned, is pretty good!
- Replenish will make it into the deck. I'm tinkering with what to replace... there is so much work to be done.
TMBRLZ on Triskaidekaphobia: Opinions?
8 years ago
Tainted Remedy + Triskaidekaphobia seems pretty good.