You can have potentially a lot of tutors from Wishclaw Talisman by bouncing it with Teferi, without ever letting your opponent get an activation out of it.
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BMHKain on
4 years ago
@king-saproling: Okay. Here's the situation thus far. I only need 7 Cards to be cut for the Magic Numeric that is 99 + 1. However, the Cards Below are some important pieces that can do a lot more than you think:
Before going over the list of Insane Mentality, I've some Questions needing Answers:
While it goes w/o Question that Oko, Thief of Crowns is busted as hell, does his being in this deck really make Humility obsolete? If not, why cut the latter?
After some thought, I wanted to put back in the Stax/Pillowfort cards in question. Which ones?
Here are some Combos that might question several Status Quos, but are awesome IMO:
Teferi, Time Raveler + Wishclaw Talisman : Infinite Tutors w/o ever giving your opponent the Claws is very good in the Synergy Field.
Lethal Vapors + Tainted AEther : Instant Lock; but I ponder about if it is worth putting in; looks epic though...
Aminatou, the Fateshifter + Doubling Season + Ral Zarek
(& other Ral Zarek Combos.): There is a good reason ol' Ral is a key player here; he can Tap, & Untap any Permanent in the same Loyalty Ability; which really helps Nahiri, the Harbinger when needing to Exile whatever in a pinch. Also, His Ultimate will not only Flip for some Heads, but also increase Aminatou's -1 Stock in some way or another. Even w/o Cloudstone Curio to bounce either Walker, you might have a good chance of winning w/o Expropriate level Game Enders.
Any of them good? There are others, but I just wanted some thought from you. Would you want to put any of this back in? I understand some are either Meh, Mana Cost Hungry, or just too expensive to cast, but w/ 7 cards left to chop, & the above including some great ideas to add upon:
Sorin Markov (?)
I'm fully aware you gave these cards the "VETO", but even here, I believe they have a good place in this deck. I think I already said enough. That said, if you want all of them in; that's a 13 card cut in some way; 12 as ol Ral #1 will be in anyway for high versatility.
So, 12 Max to cut, but 8 at least reaches 99 + 1. I'll try & find a deck of yours I could help with a Suggestion or 2, but I'd rather wait until IKORIA Spoilers Shape Up.
...i seriously owe you at least that...