MTG Combo: Temur Battle Rage + Titan's Strength

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Aric_Haldan on Zada's commies

9 years ago

@Glyax I was just playtesting this deck against another one I made and it won turn 4 :p it went from a swiftspear into a savant into a zada and then cast Temur Battle Rage + Titan's Strength on zada :D even had a back-up zada and titan's strength :p

Sallymander on

9 years ago

the thing that kept getting me is the combonation of 1-2 drops that pump the creatures that already have prowess, on top of that I didn't have much to speak of in the way of flying so I couldn't block much. Temur Battle Rage + Titan's Strength used on the Stormchaser Mage was huge!

Odyssey on

9 years ago

Lightning Berserker as a 1-of wouldn't break the bank here.

With all the pump effects in this deck, a playset of Makindi Sliderunner seems like an easy inclusion. As does Titan's Strength. Temur Battle Rage + Titan's Strength gives you the miniature version of the standard Atarka Red combo anyway. Potentially 12 trampling damage from a Makindi Sliderunner on turn 3. The biggest disadvantage to this deck right now is that you have so many pump effects but no evasive threats.

Subterranean Scout seems less than ideal. You have no 1-drop threats right now, which is very awkward for an aggro deck. I'd suggest a playset of Goblin Glory Chaser. He sometimes just gets blocked by Hangarback Walker or some other 2-drop, but you really need a 1-drop threat.

Tormenting Voice is lackluster without a way to use the graveyard. You are already overloaded on 2-drops as it is, so having a 2-for-2 card filtering option isn't that impressive unless you are trying to find some backbreaking combo.

My suggestions:

+1 Lightning Berserker

+4 Goblin Glory Chaser

+4 Makindi Sliderunner

+4 Titan's Strength

-3 Mage-Ring Bully

-2 Subterranean Scout

-4 Valley Dasher

-4 Tormenting Voice

ArcticJohn on Strokes of Sudden Blood (Budget Turn 3 Kill)

9 years ago

Hi there, last saturday i played with a deck based on this one, but i made some changes in order to make a bit more aggro, as for creatures i took the 3 Graceblade Artisan out for 3 Zurgo Bellstriker, on the other spells i took out Battle Mastery and Sage's Reverie and 1 Myth Realized, i added 3Defiant Strike and went on the full set of Titan's Strength and Infectious Bloodlust.

I finished 3rd out of 8 players with 2-1 record.First round i played against BR Devoid Aggro, ended 2-1 for me, 3 games that ended pretty fast, my wins came in the form of Temur Battle Rage + Titan's Strength combo kill.Second round lost to a mono-white 2-1, all the games were weird, first game i had to mulligan to 6 and only found red mana which left me with lots of cards in and to play, second game i only had white mana, fortunately my opponent stumble on mana and i was able to play a couple of Seeker of the Way and a couple of spells to pump it and win, last game i flodded and was short on spells to play.Last round was against Mardu Dragons and won 2-1, in this matchup Infectious Bloodlust was the MVP, in both games i played all the 4 and it was great to play a creature, enchant it and swing for 5 damage right away against an empty board.

I was happy with what the deck did, to the point that i'm thinking in upgrading it to the next level and splash green for Become Immense, leaving the enchantments behind, although i loved some of them.

Zilkios on

9 years ago

Thunderbreak Regent and/or Temur Battle Rage.

The dragon burns and the Temur Battle Rage + Titan's Strength combo can quickly be lethal on the dragon or prowess creatures.