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StoveX1 on
7 years ago
After playtesting the deck with a few of the recommended cards, I decided to leave the decklist unchanged. I still like this deck better without Tree of Perdition. (Maybe it's just a function of my playgroup - my friends really go out of their way to try and kill me whenever I play the Tree.) Tree of Perdition + Triskaidekaphobia is definitely worth doing once for fun, though.
Hatred is a good suggestion and a great way to one-shot someone, but I don't feel like it adds enough to this deck compared to whatever I'd be taking out for it. (It was suggested as a way to complement the Tree anyway.)
Even though I didn't make changes so far, I really appreciate the thoughtful suggestions from everyone. Please keep them coming!
StoveX1 on
7 years ago
After playtesting the deck with a few of the recommended cards, I'm leaving the decklist unchanged. I still dislike Tree of Perdition and don't plan to try it again. Tree of Perdition + Triskaidekaphobia is worth doing once for laughs, but it's not an especially effective way to win. Hatred is a good suggestion and a great way to one-shot someone, but I don't feel like it adds that much to this deck compared to whatever I'd be taking out for it.
Mcmoguin on
Doran Doran
8 years ago
Tree of Perdition + Triskaidekaphobia combo would be cool. Also, tree's.
The_Mike on
Horde of Notions EDH
8 years ago
Xica on Killing Kindly.
8 years ago
Something similar:
Tree of Perdition
Or if it gets removed you could use
Soul Separator
Tree of Perdition
- netting you a 0/13 zombie, and a 1/1 flying spirit, that can be tapped to change life totals to its thoughness.
(or use Hidetsugu's Second Rite as a win condition, if people crack fetches to escape the doom that comes at them for having 13 life - thus later they won't have fetches against this sorcery)
Saintamus on
Tree of Choices
8 years ago
shadowcaster Yeah that's what I was thinking, purely for surviving until I can whip out a combo. But any idea what to replace for them??
DashtheDestroyer Cheers man :) It's like the worst gift ever right XD Considering maybe even not using the whole Tree of Perdition + Triskaidekaphobia and instead subbing them out for more to help with finding and using Demonic Pact + Harmless Offering . Not sure which would be easier to get through.
Nebman227 on
Wait, Those Can't Attack! (UNDER RENOVATION)
8 years ago
thedonuttothatguy You're right about that. That's why I said viable-ish, it can win but not consistently. I was thinking that if you also had the Tree of Perdition + Triskaidekaphobia in there, you'd have another way to to win, giving you essentially 8 slots with card that could make you win instead of just 4. That of course, still doesn't solve getting the tree, but does make it a little better. I think I may have to get to brewing!
Also, if you want your reply to someone to show up in their notifications, you should use [user:] but with double brackets and their name after the colon. Otherwise, they'll only see it if they're subscribed to the conversation, like I am to this one.
Thephelddagrif on
8 years ago
Once Eldritch Moon comes out you will want the Tree of Perdition and Soul Separator because Tree of Perdition + Triskaidekaphobia wins the game and Tree of Perdition + Soul Separator gets your opponent to 1 and you have a 0/13 zombie