MTG Combo: Turntimber Ranger + Xenograft


MrXilas on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

5 years ago

Chulane: Chronicler of the Adventuring Houses

Commander / EDH* MrXilas


I made a Chulane allies deck because I love his design and I've always wanted to make a three-color allies deck. It's my grown up version the Turntimber Ranger + Xenograft combo. I have six or so cards I'm hoping to make room for and I was hoping I could get some help with.

In the Maybe Board section I have them listed as "Trying to Make Room", so if you see anything I can cut in favor of those, let me know.

zcstover1 on tazri, the wallet friendly general

8 years ago

the problem with the Turntimber Ranger + Xenograft combo is that it makes an endless infinite combo, which means that it goes on and on forever without my ability to stop it, and because of this rule -> 716.4. If a loop contains only mandatory actions, the game is a draw. (See rules 104.4b and 104.4f.) the game would just end in a draw, also i think infinite combos are unnecessary.

i do appreciate the suggestion though.

Bhuddy on Animar, Infinite Temur

8 years ago
  • Deadeye Navigator generates infinite mana with Palinchron, I think you shoud add it-
  • The Grindclock combos should be in the mill section, right? -
  • Turntimber Ranger + Xenograft is a infinite in any way?
  • I highly recommend you adding a bunch of tutors for consistancy, like Worldly Tutor, othewise you will be stuck with a bunch of combo pices that don't fit together. You may have to cut back on a few combos ...

This deck seams fun (for you and nobody else, you masochist), but I would try to add some more ramp, tutors and protection, becouse you could be dead before you manage to asseble one of the many combos.

clayperce on General Tazri's Allies

8 years ago

Following up on your recent thread ...

If I needed to free up two slots, I'd start with a very hard look at the 5-drops (because your mana curve has a bit of a bump there ... especially considering you have a 5-drop commander).

There, the Dark Petition looks least useful to me. And even though Turntimber Ranger + Xenograft would be awesome, the Xenograft would probably be my #2 pull.

That said though, I would not personally use either of those slots for a boardwipe. I'm usually a boardwipe target and only very rarely wish I could add more to a game. I totally get why folks like them, it's just that I'd rather spend my card slots on stuff that will help me recover faster from other people's boardwipes.

akki007 on Allies, Assemble!

8 years ago

The Turntimber Ranger + Xenograft combo is pretty brilliant. I had to replace Prophet of Kruphix anyways, since he got banned - and Xenograft for Unified Front makes sense, and I don't lose a lot of functionality for that swap.

I like the idea of a 2 mana tutor, but I'm not sure how well the Deadeye Navigator will play with the rest of the cards...

Argy on Tazri's Allied Alliance

8 years ago

You have another chance for infinite combo with any Creature and Turntimber Ranger + Xenograft .

The Creature comes into play as an Ally and triggers a Wolf token, which is also an Ally, so it triggers another Wolf token, ad infinitum.

Lots of Wolves and a HUGE Turntimber Ranger.