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_benway on
7 years ago
I'm on the fence about Soul of New Phyrexia, but I do have Cauldron of Souls which fills mostly the same role, so I might cut it after all.
I am willing to cut Elvish Aberration, especially now that I realized that Umbral Mantle + Viridian Joiner was a combo.
I still have mixed feelings about Sylvan Scrying. I started out with more land enchantment than is sane, and I originally intended to keep it in specifically to pull Darksteel Citadel to enchant. But I guess that I am likely better off switching it out for Cultivate like everyone else does.
Fatestitcher vs Kiora's Follower is the exact kind of match-up that I agonized over. As I read it, I thought their tap abilities were more or less equivalent, Stitcher can tap things but that doesn't matter. I erred on the side of Stitcher for his unearth ability in case something happened and an I wanted him back, but maybe that isn't worth it. Maybe Kiora's Follower is better after...
I didn't have any plans for Ashnod's Altar, so you're right. I kept it as a sac outlet 'just in case', but I'm not running any Theros gods that can switch their creature status on and off, so I admit it serves even less of a role in the deck. I'm still hesitant to cut it for purely subjective reasons. All I needed was some outside confirmation to cut Aquastrand Spider, thank you. I feel vulnerable to flyers, but I guess there are more clever ways of dealing with them.
Actually, I have Hua Tuo, Honored Physician in just because he can repeat his ability, instead of just a single-use sorcery. I didn't actually think about interactions with Kraj. Agh, you say he's bad? I was keeping him in in place of something with a costly cmc like Praetor's Counsel or just a single-use spell like Regrowth or Nature's Spiral? Am I better off with one of those?
I'm reluctant to cut Plasm Capture because of ""flavor"", but the whole point of having Spell Swindle is to be a better version of it.
I'll get Cyclonic Rift later, but I thought Capsize works as a single-target bounce for now. Morphling is pricey, and a tangent thought is that Torchling is part of my potential justification for a temur colored pseudo Kraj deck in the future. I have Inspiring Call on hand, I'll put it in. I'm an idiot and for some reason assumed that Scavenging Ooze had to exile a card from your own graveyard. Oops. I'll add him to my to-do list.
ItinerantFailure on
Mean Green Elves Machine
7 years ago
Viridian Joiner would be useful, especially with Umbral Mantle already in the deck.
Umbral Mantle + Viridian Joiner makes infinite mana but Even alone Joiner will benefit from your commander's Buffs.