Ponyback Brigade (Khans of Tarkir)Dragonlord Silumgar (Dragons of Tarkir)Glade Watcher (Dragons of Tarkir)
Daghatar the Adamant (Fate Reforged)Guardian Shield-Bearer (Dragons of Tarkir)Minister of Pain (Dragons of Tarkir)
Taigam's Scheming (Khans of Tarkir)Bloodfell Caves (Fate Reforged)Guardian Shield-Bearer (Dragons of Tarkir)
Butcher of the Horde (Khans of Tarkir)Tranquil Cove (Fate Reforged)Hand of Silumgar (Dragons of Tarkir)
Pristine Skywise (Dragons of Tarkir)Mardu Skullhunter (Khans of Tarkir)Merciless Executioner (Fate Reforged)
This pack generated from TappedOut.net, the MTG Deck Builder

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