cube colorwheel

The Usual Suspects Cube

By Oran

Score: 4


Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy


This cube only uses cards with the modern and post m15 card frames (the listed versions are not the versions I actually have in the box). It is designed around a narrow power band of iconic cards that can lift their own weight in many decks, and thus colour combos don't have forced identities like they might in retail limited or a themed cube. Synergies, therefore, are more nuanced, less typal, like:

This means draft picks are harder, and more open to individual play style. Fewer bombs and discreet synergies make for fewer "forced" picks. Less need for reading unfamiliar cards also speeds up draft times and gives players an innate understanding of the average role of a card and an idea of its supporting cast. The variety of formats and timeframes these cards have been taken from, however, doesn't prescribe decks but allows for some discovery as to how these iconic cards can mesh in unrealized ways.

Upon winning a draft, the drafter should pick a basic land in their deck and sign, and date it (DD/MM/YY). This presents a reward to strengthen the goal of winning and builds into what ultimately this cube is already playing off of, sharing and building on nostalgia.


There's a "4xSquadron Hawk" card. When it's drafted, the drafter gets access to four copies of Squadron Hawk in their card pool.

There are no free counterspells, though there are some free spells. None are interactive.

There are no fetchable duals. This dissuades off colour fetches.

This cube supports a large variety of play styles, including combo, so if you're a Johnny, watch out for:

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Cards 360
Date added 6 years
Last updated 1 month